Title: Tragic Tale of a Chess Piece - The Clown Like Pawn
Genre: Tragedy
Once, it was light that illuminated my world,
Then, it was darkness that shrouded the board.
Life, they say, is a game of Chess,
Where the world is the board, which is always in mess.
I, a pawn, the lowest of low.
May I be in the dark or in the light.
Yet I, a pawn, can rise from below,
To be a knight with an overflowing might.
I am a knight with an incomparable strength,
To protect the King is what I am meant,
Yet, I know that with my skill,
The King is someone I can kill.
For a single step, sacrifices are required,
In a single mistake, several deaths are acquired.
Yet the battle of ruling will always be unceasing,
If the King's heart continues on beating.
I am the King, my death means everything,
Yet when I was a Pawn, my end means nothing
From a Pawn, to a Knight, to the mighty King,
From a trash, I truly turned into a useful thing.
But as my value continues to ascent,
The treat to my life continues to ascend.
When I was a knight, I thought death, I would bend,
Yet even now, as a King, I know death, I couldn't mend
Since the beginning of my life,
My dream was for my side to win.
Yet now, I have learned of a lie,
A lie of me being an authentic King.
I have learned that I have lost,
Lost since I wore the crown of King.
Now, I learned why I have last,
Last without dying for I am not a King.
For a Pawn can become a Knight,
For a Pawn can even be the Queen,
But a Pawn, even with tremendous might,
Can never be a Sovereign.
Like a Clown,
I've been played.
'Twas a fool,
I've been made.