
As a force that had existed in Angaria for many centuries, the Withering Leaf Sect knew about the suspected modification of mosquitoes by the Eldinorians in a bid to increase their economy.

Although no one had proof about the matter, it was a fact that the emergence of these mosquitoes had coincided with the shipment of barrier trinkets to prevent their ravenous hunger from destroying the energy reserves of all the forces in the continent.

Also, at the time, it was said that there had been such a huge shift in the ecosystem of the continent that it had resulted in many animals becoming extinct.

Alas, even though all the forces had had their eyes on Eldinor, they gave up because there was nothing else tying the Elves to the emergence of this species.

Now, it seemed as if the nightmare had begun anew.

The Withering Leaf Sect had also had spies inside the Palace, meaning that they knew about the force setting off from Lanthanor.