
As one of the Eminent Human Mages in command of a globe charging towards the Lanthanorian Border, Kerrex's heart was beating out of its chest while he futilely tried to get it under his grasp.

Since graduating from the Military Academy of Axelor, this was only his second war operation. The first had only been a small skirmish with Eldinor, in which he hadn't even been deployed.

Even though each and every possibility and countermeasure had been drilled into him repeatedly in the College, the feeling of actually being in a war situation was really something else.

The first thing that hit him was the dust.

As the land in front of the Lanthanorian Border Wall was barren with loose soil, each step sent up dust which invaded his nostrils.

In fact, at the moment when the groups of 500 had formed, the first deployment of the globe had resulted in the dust sweeping into his eyes and making them bloodshot.