Black Raven Kingdom(2)

The head bookkeeper who was in front of him only smiled cryptically before handing over a large bag filled with Gold Coins.

Although these were similar in size to the ones used in the Lanthanor Kingdom, they were stamped with a Raven instead of the usual Lanthanorian Crest.

Hefting it in his hands, the man only shrugged as if it were all in a day's work before walking towards the exit of the stadium.

Indeed, this was Elanev, who had left the Lanthanor Kingdom in pursuit of power.

After traveling all over the Kingdom for months while seeking out fights which usually saw him battered and bloody, he had made his way over to the Black Raven Kingdom due to a rumor he had heard in one of the villages he had visited.

"The Black Raven Kingdom will soon enter a period of turmoil"

Although he had had no reason to believe this rumor, he had decided to travel here anyway due to the fact that he had always been fascinated by the renowned Black Raven Soldiers.