
"The Kingdom of Axelor would like to take part in the Olympics to show Angaria that no-one on this continent can match them in the matters of skill or strength. We have a few demands that are listed below. If they are met, we will be sending teams to participate. Know that if you refuse, your cowardice will be known to all. And if you have plans of ambushing our best warriors when they are participating, the whole continent will be witness to your treacherous nature, and there will be swift retribution."

As this message resounded in the Royal Court, a shocked silence followed where many ministers were holding the urge to let their jaws drop.

Another Kingdom? What was going on?

First, it had been a miracle that the Kingdom of the Elves had wanted to participate, but now, even Axelor, their sworn enemies wanted in on the event?

What spell was the King weaving? How was he drawing in so many forces?

In fact, if Daneel were asked this, he himself wouldn't have an answer.