Basilisk's Breath(2)

Standing in an open space and making sure that there was no one surveilling him right now, Daneel took a deep breath before saying, "Activate the Basilisk's Breath."

Suddenly, he felt as if something was…different.

Initially, everything looked the same, so Daneel why he had this feeling.

However, when a small insect flew past him, he understood, and tried to control his shock.

He could see each and every individual beat of its wings, along with all the details of its body, complete with the almost microscopic drop of blood on its stinger which meant that it had just fed somewhere.

It was moving slowly, but Daneel could tell that it would have zipped past him by now if this strange inheritance weren't activated.

Was it only his senses? Or his body too?

Curious to check it out, he raised his hand in an attempt to catch the insect.

He had taken care to move normally, but with disappointment, Daneel watched as his hand also moved in slow-motion.