Tournament Begins

"He can't be serious right?"

As Brranx asked this question to the other top assassins sitting near him, an expression of both hope and fear flashed across his face.

He was the introvert among the top assassins, and when the sect leader had gone to talk to him in order to gain his support, he had avoided the man just like he avoided almost all public gatherings.

Assassination was his love. The joy of wading through countless obstructions to sink his dagger into a target's neck was…extraordinary.

And, of course, the riches which came with a successful assassination felt so good to count.

He was a self-proclaimed hoarder, as his happiness came from just seeing all those riches and knowing that he had earned them step by step, coin by coin.

In fact, even today, he was going to miss this event and train.

However, when he heard the sect leader mention 'betting', a tingling had gone down his sign.

Yes! The opportunity to multiply his riches by using his skill in something he loved!