
"Young King, I have a way to help your friend."

At first, Daneel didn't want to believe that he had heard right.

He had been in such a pit of hopelessness and despair that if he were given hope and pulled up before being plunged into it again, he didn't even want to think about how he would take it.

Besides, the one who was responsible for his friend dying was from the same lot as the one who had just spoken to him. Even though he claimed that not all of them were evil, Daneel hadn't really been ready at all to believe him.

However, now, after everything that had happened, he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, Drakos might not be lying.

Or…this could be another scheme to take advantage of him in his darkest moment.

Maybe Drakos's 'help' would require Daneel giving over his own body in some way.

If that was the case, would he be ready to do it?

No, before he made hasty judgments, Daneel decided to at least listen to what the man, or, the Spirit had to say.