
Daneel had received the message because he had asked the system to remotely monitor all important communication trinkets, whose physical copies were placed in his chambers. So, he decided to go there to reply.

"Faxul, find a discrete location, underground, somewhere. It doesn't matter if it's in your Kingdom or mine. Finalize it, and begin construction. Make sure none of the others find out. Maybe steal away workers and pay them handsomely. I have a way to change their memories, so don't worry about that."

Nodding resolutely, Faxul waited for Daneel to lift the anti-teleportation barrier around him, which let him teleport away discreetly, removing the chance that someone could have seen him on his way out.

Next, Daneel reached his chambers before heading to the table in the corner of the room. On it, there were two trinkets flashing: the first was Axelor's, which was still waiting for his reply on the matter of the War Games. The second…was from Arafell.