
Aran had been stuck in the same nightmare for so long that he had been convinced that he had been condemned by some random God to keep enduring it for eternity, just for kicks.

Well, if that was true, then he was determined to spit at that God in his face, as he wouldn't give in and break no matter how many times he had to go through it.

It wasn't like he didn't dream about it, and even spend many waking moments trying not to let it creep into his mind on almost every day that he had lived after that incident that had changed everything.

The only thing he wished was that he could laugh through it, but he didn't, as he wasn't sure whether it would come out as a bout of laughter, or something much more dark and creepy.

Even though it was a memory, he did not want to scare those around him with the kind of laughter that always succeeded in casing away those he did not want to talk to.