Obtaining the Bloodline, Breakthrough(2)

Seeing the look on Lan's face, Daneel finally pitied the man and said, "First, have a seat. This will all be a bit difficult to take in, so I suggest you be seated so that you don't fall on the floor."

As soon as he said this, a very comfortable sofa appeared behind Lan, and the man lowered himself into it while still staring at the face of one of the most influential figures in the entire continent.

To the common people, the King of Lanthanor had already become quite legendary, both because of all of his feats of awe that were still told in many households and also because of the love he had for the common citizens that he had repeatedly shown in his actions, over and over again, until almost no one could doubt that he was one of the best and only leaders who cared about them. The latter was the strongest in those who had lived through the regime of a king or queen who only cared about themselves, and treated the common people as cattle to rear for their purposes.