The Second Half(3)

Seeing the deadpan look on the skull's face, Daneel sighed, thinking that it really took away a lot from the joy that one would obtain when they were getting revenge if they couldn't see the expression on their opponent's face.

After all, he had gone to great lengths to turn around the situation and make it so that this guy's actions would be the same ones which were the reason behind his demise, and he couldn't even see that realization on his face!

By restricting the Head, he had made sure that the man wouldn't arrive to save Daneel. Of course, this also meant that… He couldn't arrive to save him either.

It was such a simple, yet satisfying twist the Daneel really loved it, and as he saw the domain of Rayen take effect, he couldn't help but think that this man whom he had taken on as a subordinate was quite capable.