His First Mission(2)

Six hours later, Daneel and his four sovereigns arrived at the bar and clinic.

The four sovereigns were talking between themselves while shooting glances at the king, and what was different from before was that Cassandra seemed to be in a much better mood.

After coming out of the room, the king had announced that everything was fine with Cassandra, and that they should all not ask about what she had uncovered about her past. Cassandra had added that the two of them had reached an understanding, and that she would tell everyone about it when a certain something happened.

This had caused a small smile to appear on the king's face, but still, it had been apparent that something had definitely affected him.

He had remained silent, and it was only when they reached the bar that his mood finally changed and went back to what it had been when they had left before.

Indeed, Daneel had been quite incensed by what was going on in this place.