5-Star Mission: Infiltration(1)

As soon as Daneel and the others were done reading the title of the display panel that had just appeared in front of him, they turned to the image that was presented in front of him, and as one, they all… promptly dropped their jaws.

This wasn't limited to just Daneel and his sovereigns, either. Even those from the team of the Underlord, as he was now newly named, were all also in extreme shock, even though they had been grumbling about the fact that two of them had had to be left behind just a few seconds ago.

This went on for a few seconds, until finally, Daneel was the one who broke the silence.

"Where…the f*ck are we?"

He said this under his breath, and in the process, he exposed what each and every one of them was thinking.

As the spell was broken, the others started to speak, and eavesdropping on them made Daneel understand that he was still very new to the Order, and that there was still a lot that he needed to collect information about.