
"Forget it. I'm not talking, and you can't do 'nothin to me. I've seen yer' methods- I have no idea how yer' carrying 'em out, but they just ain't good enough. You're delusional if you think you'll be able to get even a single word out of me!"

Right as Daneel turned his attention to the being that was now safely secured in one of the corners of the space that was present within the diamond-like Artefact which now had two prisoners, he got this message that was spoken with a strange accent that the had never heard before.

He took one last glance at the old researcher who was still screaming madly- it was clear that his other persona had taken over again, and although Daneel felt a little pity as the man really had been helpful all this while, and instrumental in their victory, the stakes were just a bit too high for him to trust anyone freely.