The Story(End)

As the rest of those who were present wondered what the reason could be behind the King's sudden outburst, a flurry of thoughts were going through Daneel's mind.

The Overseer had always presented himself as a perfect being: with no weaknesses, fears or faults that could be used by anyone if they wished to go up against him.

He had the resources of the entire continent behind him, and there was so much power at his beck and call that it couldn't even be imagined. Over the years, he must definitely have accumulated countless weapons and objects of war, and innumerable Heroes whom he must have bound perfectly to himself, to follow his every order, by promising all sorts of things and tempting them using the name of the Order.

Hence, even without him realizing it, Daneel had started to think of the Overseer as some insurmountable being against whom any kind of battle would be very, very difficult.