The Next Destination

In the skies above Angaria, the sovereigns were all flying in silence to their next destination.

It was as if the image they had just seen in the sect had been burned into their minds, and even though something similar had happened just before in the Fortress, this one was even more magnificent, and no matter how much they tried to snap out of it, they continued to be tongue-tied as they kept thinking back to it.

It was finally Aran who broke the silence, by speaking in an almost fan girly high-pitched voice.

"That…was f*cking awesome! Hell, if I hadn't seen you get till here, I would be convinced you really were a God!"

This summed up the feelings of almost all of the sovereigns quite perfectly, and they all couldn't help but nod.

Robert spoke up next, but his eyes were out of focus, as if he was still back in the air above the Sect of Hedon.