
To the east.

In the past few months, many things had started to change in the Kingdom of Arafell.

It had all started on one fine day, when the Queen had sent out a message saying that she was expecting a visit from someone, and that things might get messy.

In this Kingdom, it had always been a custom that the Queen's word was absolute, and no one had the gall to question her, or even ask anything more than what was necessary unless it was absolutely needed.

Hence, even in this case, no one had ventured out to enquire just who the Queen was expecting, but still, tensions began to run high, as the Queen has started to become more and more irritable.

It started to become that this might be because the visit that she was expecting was getting more and more delayed, and at one point, it started to get so bad that she would snap at people all the time, even if there was no reason to do so.