
Located at almost the end of Angaria was a place that had many stories surrounding it.

As it was in the sparsely populated western part of the continent, the number of people who lived here was limited, and even life would almost seem as if it had been slowed down, instead of inexorably marching forward like everywhere else on the continent.

A major part of the disconnected settlements which the King of Lanthanor had wanted to contact and 'experiment' with were located in this area, and if he hadn't found that perfect village and that perfect little girl who was now actively preaching far and wide about the generosity of the Godking, he would have chosen one of the villages here.

This kind of a desultory life also resulted in something else: gossip always spread quickly, and the same could be said about stories and rumors, of which there was no shortage due to a very peculiar place that was present almost near the shore.