The Battle(2)

They had left Mark behind the mansion, as he still had to speak to the rest of the family members who did not know of the secret. Of course, there was no definite way to categorize those who did and those who didn't, so he had been told to tell everyone to surrender, for now, so that they could be screened later.

He had taken command of all of the formations that had previously been controlled by his father, so they did not fear for his safety.

As for them… That was a completely different matter.

Seeing the number of monsters that were still being sent to their deaths, Eloise slowly began to wonder whether they had bitten off more than they could chew.

A glance toward the sky reassured her, though, as even though it was concealed, she knew that the ever-present Godnet was still active here, and this was actually why they had chosen this spot.

As if just thinking about it had summoned it, the Godnet spoke in her mind.