The Battle(6)

Alas… As the minutes went by, nothing changed, so Daneel could only watch on with a puzzled expression and try two or three more times before realizing that it was only a fool who would do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results each time.

Pausing, he had analyzed the situation with the help of the system, only to realize in a few seconds that the main change between the last time he had come here and now was that his own body was no longer present – this was only a clone, and it was possible that his entry might be tied to his real body, or that entry was banned for clones.

So, he had had to make the long trip back to get his head which was at the stage of recovery where his hands and chest had sprouted off of it, but the rest was still slowly growing. Carefully, he had wrapped it up in a formation before overlaying the image of the clone that he had been using, and now, he was flying back at full speed to see what was waiting for him.