The Godking Retaliates(2)

The Bishop and a few of the commenters laughed as they heard this, and then, when she spoke, it was to give a command to the Knights.

"Enough of this farce. Kill him. Kill him in one strike, and I'll make sure your lives will change when we return."

"With pleasure."

The response from the head of the Knights was filled with glee. He sent an unheard command to his subordinates, and together, all of them raised hands, palm-forward, and pointed them in Daneel's direction.

True to their special status, the Tenebrous Knights were also garbed differently than any other squadron in the Church. Their hooded robes were the exact shade of green that matched the flames, and their style made it seem as if they were weapons, themselves. Tiny, burning skulls that looked like they were laughing flew all around the fabric, and seeing them, Jonah was reminded of the rumor that each of them represented a life that each Knight had taken.