Author Update(30/07/2021)

To read this update without unlocking chapter, go to latest free chapter of Rise of the Godking. Gist: I've been sick. Now I'm uploading new books on Amazon. For more info about them, visit The first one is now out.

TL;DR: Contracted covid twice. Resulting brain fog has made it impossible to work. It is getting better, but daily updates are impossible. Rise of the Godking will continue in 2022. Meanwhile, I'm polishing some books I wrote on the side and publishing them on Amazon. All of the MCs of these books are similar to Daneel. For a fix of a character like him, do check out the book posted below, along with the full first chapter.

You guys have made me who I am. I'm creating a mailing list exclusively for you all, where I will also be doing a lot of giveaways in the future to give back. Updates regarding everything will also be sent to those on it. Please sign up for it here: