Ren's Boss

After Ren's world anouncement every guild master of famous guild's were looking for the person who killed a level 25 boss monster just 4 hours after the launch of the game.

Even two of the four strongest guilds in Ren's past life Guild Ranking were looking for the solo boss killer.


Inside a big mansion in S city.

Two young girls which seemed to be around 17 or 18 years old were talking about a particular person... one of the girls was a red head with blue eyes and white skin... her features were so perfect that anyone who sees her male or female would definitely be enchanted by her unconsciously, she was one of those beauties nations would fight over for, a beauty that would ruin countries, she was Rose Frost. the other girl had a black hair with light green eyes ,also snow white skin with unparalleled features, her name Joi Black. Joi had a seductress' body... a very well developed perfect body.

Both girls' fathers were on Forbes List of richest billionaires. In one of the parties their families held these two lonely girls saw eachother and became the closest of besties. They were 10 years old little kids at the time and they were bffs ever since.

"Wow... who was that person who killed a level 25 monster so soooon, that person must be amazing ... " said Joi to the expressionless Rose. Joi was used to Rose's Frosty face since a long time ago... Rose was Frosty just like her last name.

"Don't know..." Said the icy faced Rose uninterested as always to the matters of the world...

"Jeeeez... can't u at least pretend to be interested in something ? I'm worried about you wifey..." Said the enthusiastic Joi while pouting her lips.

"..." was what Rose said.

"anywaysss, I'm gonna find him and make him one of our guild member , your highness guild master." said Joi. she was the vice guild master of Phoenix while Rose was the guild master.

"And how are you gonna do that?" Rose said as icy as ever.

"he's definitely gonna show miracles again, I have this feeling like we're gonna see him and we're connected to him" said Joi as joyful as ever.

"What are you? a shaman? stop with the nonsense." said the icy Rose.

"I'm also making all of our guild members look for him and tell us the moment they find anything about him, you know me, when I wanna find some one... one can stop me" said the Succubus giggling weirdly .

"...." the expected response came from the Icy Queen.

In Ren's past life phoenix was the third best guild in the entire game, most of the famous beauties in the game were in their guild. Rose was known as the Icy Queen in game while Joi was called the Succubus.

They were entities Ren was never gonna cross pathes with, he couldn't even dream about them as they were too far to reach... they were like in different universes... now , who knows.


While lots of players were looking for Ren... he was... still unconscious.

It's been three hours since he had been unconscious and his worried family brought him to the hospital but the doctors said he was completely fine ... and because he was fine and the hospital fees were expensive for them they brought him back home.


After three hours of unconsciousness... Ren awakened. he felt so different from before... he felt like he could live forever(the effect of lifespan), he felt strength going through his body like never before... then he thought of what happened before he passed out and he was furious because of what the system did... but first he made sure to make her family assured that he was fine, then he wanted to be sure that his in game stat became reality like what the system said, he wanted to know that it wasn't just a dream so he said "stats menu"

[Ren Sydos]

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: [The First Killer]

Level: 20

Strength: 116

Stamina: 67

Agility: 67

Inteligence: 18

Defense: 15

Ability Points: 0 (10 AP = 1 level up)

Skill Points: 40 (10 SP = 5 level ups)

Lifespan: 670 years

Cultivated Realm: Mortality 1st stage

other stats: N/A

Ren was surprised when he saw it was real and he saw something new called the Cultivated Realm... but he didn't know what it was he was thinking...

[Ding... congratulations Host you're not retarded. I thought you would turn into an idiot.]

[Host's system, me, has officialy started... I'm Reality System , a System that has existed even before the creation of the world... Even the world itself being brought to reality was related to me which is unrelated to you for now... I chose you as my new host after eons of watching the multiverse... I hope you don't let me down or die before reaching the height I expect you to reach.]

"What are you talking about you crazy bastard??? I still haven't forgotten the things you did to me before, you fucked up shit!" Said Ren furiously after remembering his anger.

[If you're talking about pain then it was neccessary for your own future... and also what can you do about it? you weak piece of shit ... if you dare call me a shit one more time you will see if I erase you from fucking reality or not...]

"..." Ren was speechless and then pale , he was terrified of being erased as he didnt want to die so... "Calm down oh you great System ... I'm sorry okay? just calm down ... just becareful not to accidentally erase me from reality okay?, I will listen to you from now on boss..."

[Hmph... that's what I thought... from now on focus on the game ... for now your major goal is to reach immortality in your cultivated realm afterwards I'll tell you your next major goal.]

"Wait...Holy shit. So it's possible to become an immortal..." Ren was shocked... "You talked about the Cultivated Realm... what is that?" said Ren after remembering seeing something new in his stats menu.

[Cultivated Realm is like in those novels you've read in the past... except in this case you don't cultivate it by sitting somewhere trying to breakthrough to the next level by gathering energy and stuff... you breakthrough and cultivate through the game. Your Cultivated Realms is related to your level. as you level up you will reach higher realms.]