World Level Ranking

"Wow... Someone killed a level thirty boss monster so soon... and all by himself alone... . let me see the World Level Ranking... the average level must be 25 at least." Said Tiara out loud as Ela could hear her too then she opened the World Level Ranking.

[World Level Ranking]

1. Chaoticsword - Level 9 🌟

2. Oneaboveall - Level 7 ⭐

3. Frozen - Level 7

4. Battleaxe - Level 7

5. Skullfreak - Level 7

6. Otaku - Level 7

7. Cultivator - Level 7

8. Dragonslayer - Level 7

9. Firewatermage - Level 7

10. Magewarrior - Level 7

11. Joker - Level 7

12. Orclord - Level 7

13. Justicebringer - Level 7

14. Handsomeoppa - Level 7

15. Magneticfield - Level 7

16. Richboy - Level 7

17. Thor - Level 7

18. Shakespear - Level 7

19. Haremking - Level 7

20. Grid Level 7

21. ...

"WOW... They are so low leveled ... Then how could somebody kill a Level 30 Boss Monster all by himself... He must be super strong and hiding his level... He must be way above others... ." mumbled Tiara in a low voice but Ela heard her.

"While I went to look for the veil I heard from others that somebody had killed Level 25 Boss Monster by himself too just sometime after the launch of the game... this Syd person must be her Your Highness." Ela said after remembering what others were talking about.

"Is that so??? then he must be an amazing person... wish I could meet her... by the way Ela I told you to stop calling me Your Highness here, just call me Tiara I'll allow that in the game." said Tiara without any change in expression.

"If... if that's Your Highness' orders then I shall abide by them... Ti...Tia....T...Tiara... I also heard lots of players with different motivations are looking for him... he's probably gonna be in danger." Said Ela with a lot of difficulty.

"Is that so... well forget about it... let's go have some fun for now... ." Tiara replied as they continued on their way towards outside the Village.


"sigh... troublesome... it's gonna be so troublesome and it's all these two shitheads' fault... ." said Ren as he focused his attention once more on these two trembling frightened Invisiblecloth and Fearlessrandy.

".... please... have mercy on us... we... we shouldn't have provoked you... we promise to never bother you again... ." Said Invisiblecloth with great regret in his heart, he regretted deeply his decision to try stealing another person's boss without gathering enough data of that person. He thought his luck was truly the worst to provoke this number one freak God in the game.

'How can we have such a shitty luck... .' thought Fearlessrandy clearly very much scared. "Please God Syd let us go we didn't know it was you... otherwise we would have never... if you let us go we won't bother you again... ." Said Fearlessrandy without much thinking as he just wanted to go away from this God, the further the better.

"Did you just threaten me? you said IF I let you go you won't bother me again? you mean if I kill you two right now you would continue provoking me?" said Ren with a grinning face.

"N...Nooo... That was something I said without much thought we would never dare... ." Fearlessrandy just realized he had made a mistake again and cursed himself for his own stupidity.

"It seems you two do a lot of things without much thinking like killing other players and stealing their boss' and their items... . truly pathetic... bullying the weak and ass kissing and being afraid of the strong like a bitch... . Ypu two should just go and die already... and please bother me again if you have the guts... I'll look forward to it." said Ren with a smiling face as he charged towards Fearlessrandy with his sword.

"he's not gonna let us go... let's just attack together." said Invisiblecloth as he charged towards Ren.

"huuuh.... well good bye then... ." Ren said as his sword came down on Fearlessrandy, there was nothing Fearlessrandy could do as he could just watch the sword land on his head.


[As you have hit the weak spot of Fearlessrandy damage +290%]

[As the player Fearlessrandy is too low leveled and has a low armor a huge restriction will be applied on him and the damge will multiply]


[because of the high damage the player will be in a daze for 10 seconds.]

[+50 Health restored because of [Azmir's Ring] You receive 0.5 percent of the damage done to the enemy as health.]

[You have successfully killed the red named player Fearlessrandy, as the player is a PK who has killed other players you will recieve no penalty.]

Invisiblecloth's eyes popped out of it's sockets when he saw the damage done to his PK mate and then... he despaired. He knew he was done for.

So he gave up trying to live completely and instead started to threaten and curse Ren. "Just you wait you piece of shit... just wait... I'll come back for you soon... I'll definitely take my revenge... from today onwards you're my sworn enemy... ."

It was at this time Ren's sword came down on his head.


[As you have hit the weak spot of Invisiblecloth damage +295%]

[As the player Invisiblecloth is too low leveled and has a low armor a huge restriction will be applied on him and the damge will multiply]


[because of the high damage the player will be in a daze for 11 seconds.]

[+51 Health restored because of [Azmir's Ring] You receive 0.5 percent of the damage done to the enemy as health.]

[You have successfully killed the red named player Invisiblecloth, as the player is a PK who has killed other players you will recieve no penalty.]

"haha... a worthless scumbag who will still remain worthless in the future... still I'll wait for your weak revenge eventhough I doubt it will be anything serious worth mentioning or something I can't handle... ." Said Ren laughingly after ending Invisiblecloth. He was really amused with these two clowns as he had some fun playing them to death.