Grey, Green, Bronze, Silver, Blue, Red, Orange, Yellow, Gold, Purple, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, ...
Growth Type Item
Ren Sydos: The protagonist of the story, in game ID is Syd.
The Reality System: The System which is said to exist before the world itself.
AI Beauty: The Artificial Intelligenge which controls the Virtual Reality Game Creation. System calls her Little Beauty.
Quinn Tiara Charlotte King XIV: a girl with an unknown background. She prefers to be called Tiara because of her long name.
Ela: Tiara's maid.
Radish: her real name is unknown for now.
Rose Frost: daughter of George Frost, one of the wealthiest people in the world and the best friend of Joi Black. Known as the Icy Queen in the game and her in game ID is Frosty.
Joi Black: The best friend of Rose Frost and also the daughter of one of the wealthiest people in the world, Known as the Succubus in the ganeand her in game ID is Blacky. she chose this ID name to make her name look like her bff.
George Frost: Rose Frost's father.
This page will be updated as the story developes.