The Tree Jungle

"please do your best but even if you fail you can come to us again as we will give you other information again if we have any because we already consider you one of our own. but please.. becareful and don't get hurt lad." the gaurds said honestly worried about Ren's well being.

Seeing how everything went so well just like he had planned Ren was laughing inside from happiness while yelling inwardly 'I'M DA BESTTT!'

[So cocky and egocentric!] came The Reality System's voice as he was speechless by Ren's level of shamelessness as always.

'Oh...boss you finally said something I thought you had fallen sleep or something as you were being too silent... .' Ren thought with an amused voice.

[hmph... .] that was the only reply Ren received and after that he received no response from the system whatever he said, so he helplessly he put the matter of the Reality System getting quiet aside.

"It's a great honor to be honest to have the chance to be seen as one of you heroes... I feel like I'm not worthy of such a praise... ." Ren said shaking his head with a face filled with worry as if saying he was unworthy, however inside he was feeling smug about himself.

"believe us... you worth it. you are much more of a hero than we are by much far... so never doubt yourself again." said one of the gaurds with a fave that couldn't get more serious.

"I... I... thank you, You two are great guys. I'll hesitantly accept then... please accept my apology for bothering you guys a lot in the future in advance then." Ren said with a face that was just relieved of great hesitation and dilemma and that was the last of it.

"Then... I'll start bothering you guys starting from now... As you guys know I can't enter the town right now... but you see I have rented this black horse from the stable branch in my village but I need to return it in 24 hours or else I'll be fined with golds... and I can't bring the horse with me as it will die while I'm in combat and caught up in fighting while I'm trying to save the VVIP and even if it doesn't die It will probably take days for me to return... so I can only ask you guys to return it to the stable branch inside the town instead of me... anyway thank you in advance guys... you were of great help to me... see you guards later." Ren said happily and comfortably while he put the horse's rein inside one of the guards' hand as he turned around and started walking away as he waved his hand at them.

After Ren had disappeared from the gaurds' sight they were still in a daze and stunned with the horse's rein still in their hand, they were speechless by the sudden change in Ren's personality they didn't know what exactly happened.

"what did just happen? did you feel like he suddenly changed or was it just my imagination?" said one of the gaurds who had the rein in his hand.

"So you felt it too??... well... probably it's because he is worried about the VVIP and is in a hurry to save him and also we told him he's one of us too... so that's why... ." said the other gaurd.

"yeah... that's probably why... but did he just start calling us guys instead of great heroes, respectful gaurds and stuff like that...?" said the gaurd with the rein in hand confusedly.

"well... that's nothing as it feels at least close... I felt he called us gaurds at the end... or did I hear wrong -_-." said the other gaurd.

"he must have been in a hurry... he's a great guy." said the gaurd with rein in hand.

"ye.. yes yes...he's in a hurry... that's why... otherwise he's a great guy." continued the other gaurd.

"anyway I should take the horse to the stable, please keep watch till I come back... I'll try to be back as soon as I can." the gaurd with the rein said.

"Okay don't worry about it and don't be in a hurry... I'll cover for you." the other gaurd said with a smile.


After leaving the gaurds Ren was heading towards the west happily with a wide grin on his face.

He knew from past life experience that The Rocky Creature Mountain was a mountain to the west of the Rebirth Town. There was a jungle between The Rebirth Town and The Rocky Creature Mountain which was called The Tree Jungle.

As the name itself suggests too in The Tree Jungle there are moving tree monsters roaming around the jungle.

Ren intended to hunt them while passing the jungle. After couple minutes he arrived at the entering border of the jungle.

After walking towards the west of the jungle for a minute or two he finally saw the first Tree Monster.

These Tree Monsters were almost rare and they roamed around alone, that's why he met one after walking forward for a minute or two.

Because these monsters were rarer, harder to kill, faster, etc. the Experience they gave were twice the monsters of the same level and that was another reason Ren wanted to hunt them while passing the jungle.

The first thing he did after seeing it was to look at it's stats and information.

[Tree Monster]

level 30 - Normal Monster

HP: 12,000 Mana: 6,000

Known Skills:

Nature Regeneration - Passive - Restores 50 HP every second.

Branch Slash - Active - A sharp branch slashes like a sword. If the branch hits the target, the target will receive 500 damage.

Branches Gone Haywire - Active - Activates when the Tree Monster's HP hits below 5%. All of it's branches goes crazy and lengthens. Both the Tree Monster and anyone within 5 meters of the monster can't move for 30 seconds.

Description: A vile creature that was brought to life by a vile unknown druid. Eventhough this vile creature hates everything except trees,the jungle and that vile druid which brought it to life, it has immense hatred toward humanbeings because the humans keep cutting trees off and using them for building stuff.