Reality System Quest Completed

After Ren finally woke up the first thing he received was a notification from the Reality System.

[Ding... Host have completed a quest given in reality.]

[Host has completed the quest [Reach level 30 in 3 days].]

[Difficulty Level: S

Request: Reach level 30 in 3 days.

Reward: You will be given a chance to upgrade the Reality System if you accept the price you have to pay.

Quest failure: The chance to upgrade the Reality System will be deactivated for 10 years and you will lose 300 years of your lifespan.]

[As you have successfully completed the Quest Given In Reality, host will receive the reward now which is:]

[Reward: You will be given a chance to upgrade the Reality System if you accept the price you have to pay.]

[In order to Upgrade the Reality System, Host needs to pay price which is : 1000 years of lifespan will be reduced + Level Up speed will be reduced by 50% for three days after you enter the game + You won't be able to enter the game for 4 days.]

[This is the reward for the completion of the quest which was a change to upgrade if the price was accepted by the host, now you can accept it or you can pass it if you think the price is too much to lose.]

[Now choose, what's it going to be, do you accept the price or not?]

'WOW, That price is seriously too much! Thousand years of lifespan!!! just wow, I need to give up a millennium for just an upgrade, though I feel even thousand years or lifespan would really worth it and in the long run it would still be to my benefit, but don't you think it's still a little too much boss?' Ren asked frustrated.

[Well, it's not up to me, upgrading the system has specific requirements and value that needs to be paid, Otherwise upgrading is impossible.]

[Also I divided the price that should be paid to different things so it won't take a toll on you and it won't be too harsh on you.]

'Still, the second and third options are too much too!Let's forget about the second one and focus on the third, if I don't enter the game for four days other players might catch up!'Ren Said.

[Well, if you don't want it you can pass it though... nobody's forcing you or anything.] The Reality System said with a tone that was yelling he's definitely smiling in amusement.

Hearing this Ren became speechless at first because that's right nobody's forcing him, but he really wanted this upgradation so he wanted it no matter what.

Then he felt angry thinking about the amused tone Reality System had when talking just a moment ago.

But thinking it wouldn't be a good thing to defy the syatem by showing his anger out he calmed himself.

Then started thinking how would this three requirements affect him.

After some time of thinking he thought about the implications and figured the only thing he couldn't accept was the four days penalty as in this time other players might find the [Intermediate Health Potion Recipe] and start making the [Intermediate Health Potion], by then it's price would go down and the ingredients' price would skyrocket to the point making [Intermediate Health Potion] would have the least profit to almost having none.

After more thinking Ren finally thought of something and talked 'Is there a way to delay the application of one of the prices that needs to be paid, I mean for example delaying the application of the third requirement?'

[Well well... that was a nice solution and yes, you can delay a requirements for sometime but the more you delay the application of a requirement the more it increases.] Reality System amswered.

'Nice, then chance the third requirement so it would be applicated after I go online once, which means that I can go online once however much I want but the second I go offline the third requirement would be applicated and I wouldn't be able to go online.' Ren said .

[Okay then.]

[Ding... the price for the upgradation of the Reality System has been converted a little.]

[New Price: In order to Upgrade the Reality System, Host needs to pay price which is : 1000 years of lifespan will be reduced + Level Up speed will be reduced by 60% for three days after the second time you enter the game + You won't be able to enter the game for 6 days after being allowed to enter the game once.]

'Well... it's now even more harsh... but it's not like I have a choice if I don't wanna lose the upgradation and selling [Intermediate Health Potion].' Ren thought as he continued after a little hesitation 'so let's just go on with it already.'

After thinking these in his mind he finally said 'Okay then! let's get it over with quickly! Accept the price! Upgrade the Reality System!'

[Hahahaha, Nice choice kid, it seems you're starting to get smarter.] The reality System said but then he continued as it asked. [Okay I'll soon start it but before that, go lie inside the Game Capsule as you would go unconscious for some time until the upgradation is complete, I'm sure you would know why I'm saying this if you think a little right?]

'Hmm... no?!... ohhh... I got it... . boss you're so thoughtful, You're saying this so my parents won't get worried while I'm passed out thinking something's wrong with me if they can't woke me up! so you're saying I should lie inside the Game Capsule so they would think I'm playing the game... Right?' Ren replied releasing a sigh of relief that the system reminded him to go inside the game capsule before starting the upgradation as otherwise he might've ended up waking in a hospital again.

[haha, that's right kid now go inside it.]

After that Ren went inside the game capsule and lay there as he then received the notification.

[You have accepted the price for the upgradation of the Reality System, please note you would pass out while the Reality System is upgrading.]

[The process of Upgrade will start in 3... 2... 1]

And that was the last thing Ren remembered as everything went dark and he passed out.