
After coming to his own room, Ren sat down on his bed as he thought 'Okay, show me how the system has changed boss.'

[Alright, you ready to witness the changes that the upgrade made to the system? Well, more correct would be the changes I made to myself rather than the change the upgrade brought.] Reality System replied to him.

'Huh? the changes you made? What do you mean?' Ren asked a little confused.

[Well, maybe it's time I explain a little about how I work, but I will do that after you see the new sections and stuff that has been added to the system kid.] Reality System said.

'uh... okay.' Ren answered.

And after that, a long awkward silence came upon the room without anything happening or anyone talking.

'So how do I see the changes that have been made?' Ren finally couldn't tolerate the awkward silence so he asked.

[Right, just say System inside your mind.] Reality System said.

'Sigh... you should tell that for me to know it, okay... System!' Ren thought.

[Ding... The system has been opened for the first time.]

[The Reality System has been upgraded.]

[New section added: Mission in the Real World]

[New section added: Chance (LOCKED)]

[New section added: Store (LOCKED)]

[You have a new skill [Portal to the Wonderland - lvl 1].]

[You have a new skill [Memory Adviser].]

[You have received a new passive skill [Game Laws and Physics].]

[Host has received a [The Only Free Thing You Will Receive, Ever!].]

'WOW, what are these? I mean I think I understand the second and third new sections as they are pretty much cliche... but I don't know the rest... what are those?' Ren thought excitedly as his eyes had turned to shining stars at the moment.

Even though he had called the second and third new sections cliche, he was still very excited about them.

[Well, the first one is as the name suggests, I will give you some mission in real life some times and obviously if you finish it you will receive certain special rewards. Though there are some rules for the missions to be given and I can't just give any mission, it has to meet certain criteria and difficulty, otherwise, the world laws won't accept it, so I think you will rarely receive missions.]

'So that's how it is... and I guess the second one is something that rewards me with some stuff by luck and randomly and the third one I'm pretty sure at which I can buy some stuff by... points? I don't have points! so how the hell should I buy stuff from the Store or try my luck at Chance?' As Ren was explaining what those two options most likely were, he suddenly remembered a fact... points, he didn't have such thing before.

[Don't worry kid, of course there will be points, only it's not called Point but Reality Point!] Reality System said.

"Wow, that's so much different and creative..." Ren said with a poker face this time out loud.

[You damn kid! of course it's creative! it's called REALITY Point!] Reality System said a little upset.

'Okay, okay boss... But how did you choose these sections and were my guesses about those two things true?' Ren asked trying to change the subject to avoid making Reality System upset because honestly, nothing good came out of making the system upset or angry ever.

[Actually, you were pretty much correct in your guesses but you will know more about the second and third new section when they are unlocked, and you asked where I got the ideas for these three sections? Well, I scanned all of the recorded data on earth and picked it from here and there, but mostly I made it with my own imagination.] Reality System said.

'Yeah, your imagination my ass.' Ren thought uncontrollably and the moment he came back to himself it was too late.

But oddly there was no storm of anger or wrath coming his way.

Ren thought 'it seems Boss has made distinctions between my own personal thoughts and the thoughts I have for communication.'

'Okay boss, now what is that [You have a new skill [Portal to the Wonderland - lvl 1].]?' Ren asked in his thoughts.

[Do I need to explain every freaking thing to you? the system is opened in front of you! see it for yourself.] Reality System said as he got quiet.

'Oh... alright... let's check [Portal to the Wonderland - lvl 1]' as he thought that, the description of the skill appeared in his line of sight.

[Portal to the Wonderland - lvl 1]

[You can open a portal and go inside the game for real with your true body now,

*WARNING *: If you die with your true body inside the game, you will truly die.

Benefits of entering the game world with your true body: +20% more stats given at every level up, + Your face will still look the same as your game character which you've made some modifications to, +10% More experience gained.]

"HOLY SHIT! WTF is this! I can enter the game for real now? isn't that too much? isn't that impossible?" Ren said, only this time he was saying it out loud again and almost yelling.

"Sonnn, why are you yelling inside the house! be quiet!" His mom's sound came from outside the room.

"Uh... sorry mom, just got excited over something." He said after calming down.

[Stupid kid... control yourself, and of course you can enter the game now! I'm the freaking Reality System you're talking to! everything is possible for this boss of yours and nothing is impossible! Of course, some things are still impossible even for me, like two parallel lines meeting, that's something completely impossible even for me.]

'Wow, that's so cool... amazing!' Ren thought, obviously still very excited about it.

[Well, it wouldn't be so cool if you die in there as you would die for real...] Reality System answered to his thoughts.

'...' Hearing this Ren was speechless thinking Reality System was right, he was so much excited and occupied with the thought of entering the game for real that he almost didn't pay any attention to the true death punishment.

'It seems I shouldn't enter the game with my real body unless it's absolutely necessary.' He decided in his mind, and just like that, he wasn't going to enter the game with his real body unless really necessary.


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