Recovery and the Kings Decree (1)

The insides of Chaos' body were a war zone now, with the orange liquid coming to aid Chaos, but it was still a bloody fight.

The energies within his body were going berserk still despite being unconscious, from the outside you could clearly see sparks and violent energy releasing from his body from time to time.

The sudden expansion of energy coupled with the already berserk energy his entire body was at war with itself.

The symbol in his head was the base, with the energy surrounding it having two rings around it, releasing energy, subduing the berserk energy little by little, with the help of the orange liquid however, the recover that would normally take a month or more would now only take a week at most to completely recover.

It was now a battle of life or death once again, this time inside himself.

Meanwhile outside.

Pan had woken up from the drugs in a new set of clothing, this being a fur outfit, with hide amour covering her body, as well as skin tight leather leggings with strong hide boots her new outfit making her only look more beautiful and wild.

The first thing she felt upon waking up is the connection between her and Chaos weakening and then recovering a little then weakening again.

Anxiety took over her entire body and she stumblingly ran out of her room to go and find Chaos, three doors down is where the connection lead.

Upon opening the door, this beauty ran towards Chaos jumping towards him, crying.

'Chaos! Wake up!' Misunderstanding his situation after seeing him riddled with bloody bandages and wounds she started wailing, trying everything she could to get him to move or hear her.

"He can't hear you, and stop doing that to him, you'll make his wounds regress! Now come with me, I have things to tell you." At this moment Yori, the witch doctor came into the room grabbing Pan and moving her away from Chaos.

Sitting down on the desk chair within the room Yori gestured for her to do the same.

"Now, allow me to explain..." And for the next few minutes she told Pan the story of what had happened leading up to this precise moment, during which Pan was fuming in rage and then crying once she got to the part about Chaos wiping out those clans, finally becoming calm by the end of the story.

"I see." She spoke, looking at Chaos, the one who braved death to get revenge when she could not.

It was also then that the captain moved into the room.

"How's our patient doing?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, and thank you for helping me then." Pan responded evenly, feeling touched.

"That's good, that's great, i have unfortunately not just to talk, but I carry a message from the king, he requests yours and Chaos' presence in court in one week." Said the captain seriously.

"I understand." She said in an angry tone, 'This is the king that would allow his people to be such pieces of trash, and even allow those trash's to garner power.' with a belly full of rage she agreed.

The next week passed fast, Pan would sit next to Chaos all day keeping watch over him, never looking away and never taking so much as half a step away from him.

She didn't eat nor sleep just keeping watch at all times.

On the sixth day was when Chaos started showing signs of waking up, inside of his body the symbol had gotten control over the majority of the berserk and untamed energy inside of his body, the same night it made the final push taking back control of all energies inside his body.

At the same time a third ring appeared within his sea of power, now his symbol had three rings and with it those three rings started growing rapidly along with the symbol which was transforming into a wolf - like figure, the only difference between this wolf and Chaos was that this one had wings, wings of fire.

It was also now that around Chaos' dog tags updated to 'Advanced Rank 1' putting him at only one more step away from breaking into the Rank 2 realm, but this one step was like trying to cross a hundred kilometer long gorge in a single step.

At the same time an absolutely astounding phenomenon began, around Chaos all of the fire energy in the atmosphere was gathering onto his small horns causing them to grow at a fast speed, going from stubs to small backwards curved horns looking like a crown.

At the same time the wolf symbol inside of his sea of power howled causing the area around him to shake for a moment before quieting down, within a few breaths time he opened his eyes.

While all of these phenomenon were going on the captain and Yori had gathered inside the room looking towards his transformation in astonishment.

Getting up Chaos looked around at all of them and spoke "Where am I?" this shocked everyone present as he had not spoken via the telepathy, but spoke aloud to everyone present, including himself.

"You spoke?!?!" The first to react was captain who jumped up and started staring towards Chaos like he was an abomination.

Next Yori too reacted jumping from her seat, unlike the captain however she jumped towards Chaos and started touching him all over and examining his everything.

'Don't worry she's the doctor who saved you.' Pan said via the telepathy, had it not been for that he would have bitten her and run away as it was too weird to have a random person suddenly all over you.

Once the finished checking him over she moved away. "You internal energy is now completely in order and stronger than before, as for the wounds on your body, they are finally now healing at the insane speeds much faster for a beast of your class."

"Thank you, Miss Yori, for taking care of me." Chaos said in his newfound and still rough sounding voice, lowering his head in appreciation.

Then he looked towards the captain "And thank you as well for caring for Pan in my stead." He said lowering his head once more.

"Its no problem." Both Yori and the captain said at the same time.

"Also, you have an appointment in the royal court with the king, but you must be careful as the many of the lower nobles will be against you after the clan extermination a few days ago." The captain said with a dissatisfied tone.

"I understand." Chaos said calmly walking outside of the clinic.

Once he had gotten out of the clinic is also when he realized that the world looked much clearer, everything within ten meters could be felt clearly and precisely, the fire energy in the air also felt much more friendly and loving, the energy now playing happily around his horns, he could also faintly see it in the air around him.

It was also now that he realized something else, and that is that his Pan had matured and grown up a lot over the last week, now being outside and around strangers her complexion changed from the warm and kind Pan into the cold icy beauty she is now, with her barbarian armor and Warhammer on her back looking ever more stunning.

"Get on." Chaos said shortly, as he was still getting used to his new voice.

Without a word she got on his back, though gently, not jumping on but rather climbing on, Chaos and her coupled together moving through the streets towards the royal castle looked very imposing, making people move out of the way unconciously.

Arriving at the castle doors within a half an hour, rumors once again surged of the barbarian women riding atop a great wolf, this time however they did not speak of the wolf as simply a mount but as a terror in its own right, its horns sharp as swords, its breath hot as magma and body large as city walls looking to gobble up the children.

Now once again in front of the royal courts doors they no longer felt that same pressure from before, and it wasn't that the guards had retracted their pressure either, it was that now Chaos' own pressure and Pan's pressure could now curve theirs walking unhindered towards the doors.