Upgrade and Determination

The entire area filled with the aura of beasts all originating from the white light, the viewing villagers moved away in a panic getting distance between them and the light before finally stopping fifty meters away, their dog tags being completely ground to dust because of the power inside of the space.

Within the light all manner of fantastical things were happening starting with Wamu, It was becoming heavier but at the same time staying the same size, a mini Wrym soul flying around it, green light shined between Pan's eyebrows, connecting with the mini Wyrm soul causing an invisible bond between the Wyrm soul and her, as well as strengthening the bond between Pan and it.

Inside of the whit light the elements were completely laid bare, hundreds of different type of elements flew around and played within the white light, in particular the fire elemental energy was surging into Chaos, specifically through his horns, the symbol in his sea of power shinning like the implosion of a star, sending out its own energy to capture and tame the new fire elemental power invading his body.

The rings around the symbol were also being absorbed at an alarming rate, his strength improving explosively, the horns on the sides of his head becoming like dried blood, completely black, making him look like a demon.

His entire body shrank visibly, going from two meters down to a meter and a half, his muscles becoming so compact that even a high caliber weapon from the old world wouldn't be able to penetrate into his skin, his speed getting an augmentation along with his smaller size becoming several times better.

His fur changing as well, all of the color as if attracted by something started converging in his irises leaving a few red strands of fur squirming around his eyes before stopping, his whole body now white, the only red being in and around his eyes, his horns shiny and sharp, black as the abyss of a ceiling Alfar lives in.

On his back a pair of flaming wings emerged giving an intense pressure as if dominating the whole world.

Inside of his sea of power once the last of the rings had been absorbed his entire body excreted a black liquid mixed with several impure fire elemental energies being expelled from his body by the symbol in his sea of power.

Leaving behind only the purest form of fire elemental energy inside of the symbol, using this energy he started absorbing the impure fire elements in the air and refined them into pure elemental energy.

When all of the fire elemental energy left his body he felt numb and frail unlike anything he has ever felt in all his life, prompting him to get to refining and absorbing at incredible speed while inside the white space.

Because of the symbol's improvement the area heated up to near unbearable levels for anyone, the only reason that Pan who was nearby could withstand it was because an equally stunning transformation was taking place for her.

Besides her and Wamu becoming closer, inside her mind the wind fruit symbol resonated with Wamu causing the surrounding Wind element energy to converge into her body causing her to break through two realms and stepping into the Advanced Rank 1 realm.

Her hair changed from the light red it was before into a deep green like the lush grass and the deep forests giving off a free flowing feeling like everything would simply flow through her, and she would never be restrained, her right arm filled with a blue colored tattoo like fierce winds.

Her eyes too were completely changed the previous red tinted eyes changed into a green and blue mix like the earth and the sky all in one pair of eyes.

She already had the qualification to be considered an Advanced Rank 1 expert but because of the lack of wind energy inside her body she couldn't break through those barriers, but with this influx she directly used the untamed power to shatter the barriers causing her power to rise explosively along with Chaos.

It was also when she had just stepped into the Advanced Rank 1 realm and was about to continue into the Rank 2 realm that the white light emitted by Wamu was retracted and left a completely reforged Warhammer in her hands.

With a Wyrm design on the handle leading up to the double head on the actual hammer part causing the entire weapon to give the feeling of a beast ready to swallow you whole at the slightest show of weakness.

"I've broken through!" Both Pan and Chaos yelled excitedly at the same time.

That's when they looked at each other and to their astonishment they had both completely changed.

"To where did you break through to?" Pan asked first looking at Chaos curiously.

"I only made it into the Low Rank 2 realm, how about you?" He said sounding disappointed causing those villagers in the woods far away to nearly spit blood, 'Only Rank 2?!?!'

"I barely made it to the advanced realm." She replied pouting about the achievement feeling wronged, 'these people are gonna be the end of us!'

"Alright everyone come out, I know you're there, come over and handle this body." Chaos said towards the woods causing Pan to look at him weirdly till all of the villagers appeared from the woods like ghosts.

"Yes." Farra and Kuren both replied at the same time moving to take care of the corpse.

An audibly loud gasp came out from one of the people handling the wings, "These wings are so nice! I could make a nice venom proof cape with this!" She said adoringly touching the wings webbing.

Hearing this gasp Pan turned around, "Can you make designs on this cape as well?" She asked in her traditionally cold voice only that this voice was much nicer sounding.

" o...oh...Um well I, uh I could make a design on the cape what would you like?" The young lady responded feeling pressured by Pan's aura before she noticed it and got it under control leaving the poor woman frightened.

"Could you make a image of Chaos and me?" Pan said expectantly, faint stars beaming out of her eyes startling the young woman once again since the cold countenance and starry eyes don't exactly match making her feel chilly.

"I can, it'll take a few days though." Finally feeling accustomed to Pan's mismatching facial expressions and aura.

"What's you're name?" She said the stars in her eyes retracted back to her normal cold countenance, completely recovering from her giddy state.

"I'm Stacy, happy to make you're acquaintance!" During their chat the people of the village had already cut up the entire body of the Wyrm taking everything that may be useful, and being especially careful with the wings after hearing Pan's interest in them.

The next morning...

In the morning Chaos and Pan headed back to the capital, reaching their in one eighth the time it took before, only thirty minutes of running.

Inside the library they were returning the books that they had borrowed from the library, during which time Alfar came down and looked at them strangely with curiously sparkling eyes, "How did the both of you jump in rank so fast?"

To this question Pan explained the events of the previous day in it's entirety, to which Alfar looked at them strangely as the entire series of events is simply to coincidental to be accidental.

"Chaos, now that you've reached Rank 2 take this and practice it diligently, your body can handle it now, and you take this as well." Saying so a two books flew out from the shelves again landing on his head.

"These are skill books, this one is Innate Transformations, it will teach you how to morph you're innate ability into something more versatile and robust, as for how far you get, that's up to you." Taking he stop he then pointed at the second book, "And this book has the notes and experiences of Warhammer users of the past within it is the technique called Hammer Dash, giving the user the ability to speed up their swing by ten times once mastered, good luck you two." By the end of his sentence he had already disappeared into the ceiling once again, even with his power up Chaos could still not feel Alfar's presence on the ceiling as if he isn't their at all.

Placing the two skill books inside of the book bag both Chaos and Pan went to go for a bath Chaos heated the water while Pan got the water from the well outside since it was still empty from the draining when Chaos peed inside it.

A half an hour everything was ready and they got in, having a nice soak in the springs.

Meanwhile, back at Kaerun village...

"What do you all think of the new chief?" Farra said in a serious tone, currently everyone was gathered in the village square.

"She is strong, and although she looks cold I believe her to care for us, why else would she take on that big bastard in the woods alone despite being so much weaker than it?" Kuren responded in an equally serious voice after a few moments of thought.

Several others agreed with his point of view as well, but, "She is a commander of the Raila Kingdom, the one run out of their world by terrors, their kingdom was the only one that fled leaving their people to be slaughtered, now tell me how you feel about it?" Farra gave them a different point of view.

"It's clear that she is not a native of the Raila kingdom and most likely hasn't been told about it, but should push come to shove we don't know who's side she'll take." Farra said quietly, feeling anxious the atmosphere in the square becoming tense.

"Then when she comes back, we will confront her about it, and we move depending upon her response, as theirs no point in becoming so tense about something that could possibley never come to pass." At this point an elder came out and spoke to calm the atmosphere managing to somewhat defuse the explosive air in the square.

"We shall see." Farra said, hoping that it would not be as he feared.

Back at the castle Pan and Chaos are drying themselves completely unaware of the secret meeting held by the newly conquered tribes.

With a single breath from Chaos, Pan was completely dry and unhurt, his ability to control his temperature having increased over the last evolution, now dry, she put on all of her clothing and walked outside.

Taking a deep breath of the evening air along with her Chaos spoke, "We should start heading back, and continue our mission."

"Indeed we should." Pan said pouting because of Chaos bringing up work at such a time, jumping onto his back they were off once more.

In thirty minutes they arrived at the village.

"Welcome back chief/Master." Farra and Kuren said simultaneously.

"There is something we need to talk about." The elder spoke, the villages people all standing behind him.