The Birth

The world Nebulus was very vast and big, humans till now had discovered only ten percent of it.

There were a total of five continent where humans lived and had more than thousands of kingdoms.

Kingdom of zelda, one of the five most powerful kingdom of the world. which was ruled by

Skylar Family since the very beginning. Roland Skylar was 99th King of the Zelda. The Kingdom itself was very massive covering millions of kms.

The locals could be seen wearing clothes and shoes, children's were playing around with each other, farmers working on there field happly, Tax were low and With bustling markets in every town, and with rich minerals and resources people were enjoying a bless full life.

Czar The capital of Zelda was named after the very first Skylar King. it was so majestic that everyone who visited Czar nearly Dropped their jaw on the floor.It was huge and Bustling.on its back was a huge mountain and a huge palace carved with jade. The Capital has Huge buildings and neatly arranged shop and houses. everything was lively, Moving carriages, Merchants waiting in front gate of Czar for there turn to enter.. even with all these crowed everything looked clean and beautiful.

On a certain day in capital of the kingdom: Czar, everything was quite and everybody was out on the road, waiting nervously for something and suddenly a huge red thunder cracked in the sky followed by a loud laughing voice.

Instead of being terrified by the laugh or the thunder everybody went wild and crazy laughing on the streets of Czar, except for few people who was new in the capital, they were terrified when they saw everyone waiting outside for something. And when Thunder cracked and Laughing voice : some nearly pissed their pants or turned white. while the brave once with the pale face decided to never visit the capital ever again which was full of idiot people and Danger..

Clearly this was not the First time it happened.

when a certain Soldier received some information from the Royal place. He then used magic amplification and shouted:

"Its a boy and Ancestor has named him "Marvis"."

With that everybody started cheered loudly, celebrating and chanting:

"Long live Prince Marvis. Long Live the King, long Live The royal Famliy"

Inside the palace similar Situation was happening and King was holding a boy in his hand with a smile on his face....