Celebration Ends

In the place

Everybody was eating the feast. Delicious dishes from all around the world where being served.

Phoenix eggs, Heavenly rabbit, Rainbow peacock, Dragons liver.. each and every Legendary dishes which could even increase someones life span was available. .

Soon when everybody finished eating, it was now dancing time....

Coby and Naur had a confident look on there face and were just waiting for any Princess to approach them for a dance.

But its been 30 minutes that no one asked ..

Coby and Naur then looked towards the center of hall where Laxus was holding a beautiful Lady in his arms and dancing(this time Laxus truly did not messed/bullied them)

It was clear that every lady wanted to ask for a dance with them, they might even kill each other for it.. but the problem was once anyone tried to approach anyone of them , the other will give them an dangerous look which probably made them frightened.. This was the real reason..

"**###@@##++#### "

Came out of Marvis mouth, who was in Nora's arms, enjoying everything happening around him..

"Hahahahha ..... i like it hahhaa... waaahhhh what are they doing(dance)... beautifull beautiflull .. i like it... ehhh why is these two idiots not doing the same thing...ehhh ehhh why why??"

This is what Marvis was saying, while pointing his little finger towards his two brothers..it was really cute scene, if we do not consider what he was saying...

Coby and Naur suddenly stood up at the same time, maybe they had it enough and approached any random lady and asked:

"may i have a dance with you my lady"

The princess who was asked for dance couldn't believe at her luck and she imeditatively agreed for it, as she as afraid she will lose the chance and then they started dancing...


said marvis, probably insulting his siblings and enjoying at there misfortune.

The dance was really beautifully and with the three prince dancing, it was a breathtaking scene.Maybe Marvis also wanted to join in.. but not matter how much of genius he was, he was still just six or seven days old.

The party ended beautifully

Next day

Roland was still busy with his friends and meeting up with the sages..

Prince Coby and naur were traning with their sword,

Laxus was playing chess with Instructor,

and Marvis ,well he was sleeping peacefully in his room. everything was peaceful until suddenly

Marvis opened his eyes and said: "##@#@$%@#"....