Seven lifes


an ancient voice could be heard..

"You have passed the First test for being the Chosen one!" Said the same voice

Marvis searched for the voice but found no one. The voice was coming from everywhere. Without giving much of a thought the voice again stated:

"Now that you have passed the first test for ideology and determination, You should get ready to have your reward." said the voice as it vanished.

Marvis saw white star which he was following all the way became brighter and brighter as it swallowed him up.

(Ahemm!! bubbles here to give you some information. In Outside world, Marvis was still Laying on the hospital bed, it had not even been an hour..)

When Marvis was swallowed by the light he felt heavy and bluer after that he went into a deep slumber...when he opened his eyes(not in the reality) he found himself in a persons body, he had no control over, marvis could feel things that the person could, when the person felt pain Marvis also felt pain when that person feels pleasure same does Marvis but he could only feel things he cannot touch anything or even communicate with the person...

coincidentally that person's name was also Marvis.(not for confusion i will call him MAR)

Mar was just 4 years old, who was a son of duke in some kingdom which Marvis had never heard of. When Mar was a child he always had a sliver spoon in his mouth but things started to take different turn when he turned 18, That was the first time he took a girl in his room.(in the room to do what you know better clearly he didn't took her in his room to play house house or did he??).. soon he started to get addicted to it, Marvis tried to stop him many time but he couldn't do anything... one after another.. Mar was getting more and more into it.

It continued all the way to his 30th year when he murdered his father who kept stopping him from doing this, then he took over his power and position and started to act freely... countless Girls were targeted by him. One day his eyes felt on princess of the kingdom, he rebelled the kingdom with some other dukes and waged war against his kingdom and when he won, he was crowned king and he took possession of the princess.

Countless case happened like that and Marvis's mentality was also getting effected because of this.. Kingdoms after kingdom fell, he started to target his brothers, friends, relative's Partners, but on an unlucky day his eyes fell on a small girl at age of 13 or 14 and tried to make her his next target, that small girl was master in art of assassination. Mar died very horrible death. Marvis also lost his consciousness as he felt the pain of knife stabbed into the heart.

Marvis woke up once again, this time he was in another persons body and his name was also Marvis.(for not getting confused i will call him MAR2)

Mar2 was born in a family of chefs.. he was very good kid, Marvis liked his behavior, first he feared that he would also turn out to be like MAR but that did not happened instead something else happened.

Marvis noticed MAR2 has a hobby of eating a lot.. His aim was to try all the dishes around the world... Aim slowly started to turn into obsession.. he ate and ate and ate.. this obsession did not stooped even after eating every dishes in the world.

He shifted his target to all the food that can be eaten .. (what what kind of meat ? i will leave it all upto your imagination..). after eating everything that was edible.. there was not a single being could be seen, all the humans went into hiding and animals nearly got extincts..

MAR2 grew very big and giant... he then started to eat non edible things like buildings, trees, rocks, mountains... all of it... somehow he was like a black hole that could devour everything.. He nearly destroyed the planet suddenly when he fell into a trap of a little girl...

when Marvis saw this girl he somehow knew that MAR2 was going to die because this girl was the same girl who killed MAR(tragedy). MAR2 wanted to eat that girl but that girl promised him that she will let him eat her but first she knew a place full of delicious things and took MAR2 to a desert

where suddenly a space crack opened and sucked MAR2 in. that was how MAR2 died. In this life that girl was Master of art in deception.

When Mavis woke up again he saw he was in another body, this time the person was very greedy and he was never happy with anything,he never thought what he had is enough, he wanted more of everything...The whole life he lived like, that until one day that same little girl came in his life and somehow ended up killing him.In this life that girl was master of art illusion..

When this time marvis opened his eye, he knew he again landed into someones body.. "whats happening to me?? why god why?? " He thought as he started to live with that person..

The MAR4 did not had much aims in his like, he loved to sleep.. when ever he got a chance to sleep he will sleep.... he slept most of his time.. only woke up to eat food. he had a big family with huge inheritance.. he was the only single son of the family.. later when the little girl as MAR4's bride (Same girl who killed all MAR's) . marvis knew it was his time to move to another this life that girl was master of arts in scheming.

This time as expected he was in another person's body, this person was born in a slum, which clearly made Marvis little interested (till now he was always in a riches house, he wanted to see what happened next, as if he is reading a novel or watching a movie the difference was that he could feel all these things)

.it was an angry young man who always gets into fight with everyone... Marvis thought to was a pity and kinda cute, because even though he was an angry young man he was clearly not a strong one..

He will go and fight but he will come back beaten black and blue.

oneday passing by a forest the young man stumbled upon some dark fruit (magical fruit)and after eating it he began to feel more and more powerful. soon his fights turned in him wining .. he would be the one beating everyone black and blue.. until one day he killed a person..then 2 and 3 and 4... he became famous as god killer in some places.

Later he was recruited by army where he massacred every enemy and later was being known as God of war. He led a respectful life even when he was always angry.. no one would every say anything bad to him since he was always angry. one day king cannot take it anymore and decided to punish him. but he massacred everyone who came in his way and killed the king.

he later announced himself as king and continued his journey of killing...Marvis was waiting and waiting and waiting until he felt bored of waiting.( who was he waiting for?? obviously the little girl...) "where are you little girl?? i know his time is about to end so come out and show yourself" thought Marvis..

One day MAR 5 heard an unexpected news that his kingdom was being attacked by all the other kingdoms together. he was really angry (as always) and decided to attack... he fought bravely and killed a lot of people but later died when an arrow strike his heart. he clearly saw there was a girl who killed him. she was the Alliance queen of all the kingdoms who attacked MAR 5. "here she was, planning to kill from start and here i thought she will not come." said Marvis as his eyes closed once this life she was master of arts in strategy.