Technological Advances – 2

(Vladmir's POV)

I climbed in Lyssa's medivac, dressed in my new suit, still not perfect. Of course, I plan on enhancing it for combat. Having a combat suit is a man's romance! Inside the medivac together with me, there are a few SCVs. They are coming with me to build the ghost academy.

Escorting us are five Vikings… and other ten ships that only I can see. Banshees. Great, isn't it? cloaked ships that only I can see, meaning that I can see them covered in a blue aura. I can now produce them in the Starport thanks to my new suit.

I doubt that I can cloak without the suit at all. Therefore, it will turn into a permanent part of my personal arsenal. Not only that, this suit has an unexpected effect. It bolsters most of my psionic abilities!

The one that was enhanced the most was my psionic discharge, the lightning like attack. It's incredibly enhanced, to the point that I don't need to muster any effort to use it, when previously I bled through my nose with the minimal effort to use it.

As for why I'm going away from my base to build the ghost academy… you would think it's a bad play for me, since the produced troops would have a hard time commuting to the base, but that is not the case.

The ghost academy only exists to produce the cloaking ability and nuclear bombs, or nukes, for short. That means that the academy will be on hold for most of the time, and since it hides one of my most powerful weapons, I don't want people seeing it too much.

Therefore, me and the banshees will clear a suitable area, and the SCVs will build a suitable outpost for them. From there, I will be able to shoot nuclear bombs without revealing from where they come from.

Thanks to that, I will have a hidden weapon. And I'm not only going to build one, I'm going to build five ghost academies, as well test this suit in combat with my assault rifle. I don't have a sniper, the first ghost school hasn't been built yet.

Also, ghosts are trained in the barracks, where the other troops are created. As for why I'm being escorted by only banshees and Vikings, don't underestimate my combat capabilities. I'm quite powerful as a soldier, and my body is almost as strong as a marine in a suit, even if I'm still young.

After all, my growth is absurd, and any kind of training raises my abilities ridiculously. And for protection, the advantage of having enhanced psionic powers, is that I can create a passive shield like the Protoss, although mine is vastly inferior, but will still hold out against most monsters.

From the five locations, only two have monsters in the vicinity. One of them being a goblin village that has a large population that I plan on cleaning. I'm not using the threat level that I used before, since that was just something for emergency, and isn't accurate for the present situation.

However, our sensors detect a large amount of magic in a single individual, making the invasion slightly more dangerous, but still not enough to pose any real threat to me. The number of goblins should be around 700, and we will be able to clear the area fairly quickly.

(banshee): "We are approaching the location. The goblins are detected, transferring images."

Announced the banshee. I look at the display on my right wrist, now integrated with my suit. There I see the images of a primitive village constructed with wood. I also receive the readings of the scans, showing the levels of magic in the location.

Apparently, in the center of the village, placed in a hard to access flat on the side of a mountain, the leader rests. He has a magic level that is much higher than all the other goblins around him, but doesn't change the fact that this will be easy, since I killed stronger monsters when I founded my first base.

As we approach, the goblins notice us. Green creatures of the size of kids, ugly and with minimal clothing, if any at all. They have clubs or stones in their hands, but I can't see that many details since the camera isn't zoomed in enough.

They point and scream, some even throwing stones that obviously don't come close to reaching. But well, there's a lot of them gathering at the edge… we need a landing space for the Vikings and for myself.

(Vladmir): "Banshees, uncloak and open fire. We need a landing space."

(banshee): "Understood, Commander."

The banshees uncloaked as we approached, startling the goblins. They don't have much time to react, as the missiles of the banshees shower, killing several dozens of them in an instant, causing chaos. With that, we have an immediate landing space. I nod to myself, time to attack. With my assault rifle in hand, I give my command.

(Vladmir): "Banshees, create a perimeter! Vikings, morph and land! I will join you in the ground!"

I order as I simply jump, using my own psychic powers to slow my fall greatly, falling gently like a feather on the destroyed corpses of the goblins. As I land, so do the Vikings, transformed in their land forms, landing and prepared for combat.

I land heavily, unaffected by the fall, pointing my assault rifle.

(Vladmir): "Open fire!"

Our guns roared, the bullets flying and destroying the goblins instantly, shredding through the fragile bodies and tattered leather armors. The banshees also helped by covering us with their mini missiles. In a few minutes, we clear a lot of the enemy camp. This is going to be smooth.

As the battle goes on, ammo being dropped from the medivac, a commotion starts to form among the goblins as they retreat. I raise my hand, stopping the fire out if interest, my senses giving me off a feeling that something different will happen. And my senses are right, as the goblins open way, hitting their weapons on the ground in a rhythm.

And on the way that they opened, the one that is clearly their leader showed himself. He looks like a goblin, but only vaguely with his greenish skin. Muscular, tall body, ugly, humanlike face, muscular body and dressed in a metal armor that looks relatively good. He also has a sword, that looks relatively sharp.

He walks towards us, as if to intimidate us. He points his blade to me, and I take offense to that. What a rude fellow. While pointing his sword at me, he screams loudly, his troops answering his scream. Oh, he's raising moral, huh? He's cocky too.

As he raises his sword to advance ion my direction, I raise my hand, choking him with my psychic powers, raising him from the ground, his gurgling sounds stopping his troops from advancing. With my left hand, I hold him in the air. That's for pointing his sword at me.

And in my right hand, now raised as if I am about to deliver a punch, blue energy gathers, moving like electricity. Yes, it's a psionic shockwave, the electricity like power normally used by archons. It's a nasty ability, and very useful against organic targets.

The powerful blast easily eats through tissue, causing massive damage through rapid cellular degeneration and thermal energy transfer, meaning, it disintegrates organic tissue. Of course, my version is much weaker, I am limited to one person targets as well. And it's the first time to try out this technique!

I punch in his direction, the blue beam of energy coming out of my hand, hitting the floating goblin with ease. He screams in pain, being thrown backwards with the impact of my attack. As he flies, before he hits the ground, his scream is silenced, and only his empty and charred armor, together with his charred sword, fall to the ground, what remained of his body scattering on the wind.

The other goblins look at it terrified. I smile cruelly, and point my hand at them, ordering my Vikings to open fire. The goblins give up on attacking, scattering quickly. Some of them are trying to escape the plateau! I can't have that! I don't want to leave seeds of rebellion and clear the are from any threats!

Time to test my pure telekinetic might! I let my assault rifle fall to the ground, pointing my hands to the rocks above the way out of the plateau, stimulating my brain as much as possible, my abilities being enhanced by my suit. The rocks tremble, breaking away from the mountain the same way pain splits my brain.

With a mighty pull, I cause a rockslide, blocking the way and killing several of the goblins trying to escape. Time to clear the place for my new outpost!