Accumulating Treasures

[True Energy has reached 100 percent, Soul of Purity has been formed]

[Grudge Energy has reached 100 percent, Soul of Impurity has been formed]

[Wrath Energy has reached 100 percent, Soul of Rage has been formed]

[Zen Energy has reached 100 percent, Host can now develop a breakthrough]

[System has recognized, Brunhilda has been recognized as a familiar]

A stream of notification specifying all the energy that he had absorbed, had shot from a minuscule amount to being completed out of nowhere.

Especially Grudge and Wrath Energy, when he was using 'Soul Eater' it did absorb the energy, but the amount gain was like a grain of rice, which would have taken forever for him if he had stayed here.

Grudge energy made him feel annoyed from the constant whispers entering in his head , while the Wrath energy made him gain high blood pressure and a fever.

Which made his headache even worse. But the True Energy was alleviating his pain as he absorbed it, while the Zen energy was like a cold breeze entering him, and before he knew it, both were also completed along with the Grudge and Wrath.

He then gained another familiar, in a form of a sentient object, with knowledge in fighting, cultivation and some rare secrets.

The thought of her having some motives completely disappeared, Bell told him that when a nameless monster has accepted the name, an imprint will be embedded to their soul swearing their infidelity to their master never harming or betraying them, and they would sacrifice themselves just to protect their master.

So he deduced that souls living in object are categorized as monster.

By the way, Brunhilda or Hilda for short, had told him that monsters he was preferring to, had different names during its time; Beast of the Gods, the weapons of nature, the descendants of the Great Beast.

But the general term that all used was Heavenly Beast or Evolved beast.

Since they all have the natural ability to cultivate but lack a developing mindset to help them get stronger, hence all know by instinct to devour others to get from eating the corpses and evolve, but the higher rank beast have a chance to have human feature, like speaking in the dialect and creating their own society.

Even Bell was not sure how many species were there, since generations will give birth new variant, that are born under strange conditions.

However, Heavenly Beast are not the only ones that have that ability to evolve.

There was once a flower that absorbed abundant Heavenly beast corpses in its surroundings, then it developed into a vibrant forest, other times an ocean using a large core that was formed ,had breed a powerful sea beast that caused typhoons for decades.

However, after a variant is born its rare to find a similar one, hence many try to hunt them down, if not, then it's kin will spread and others of its species will be born from different evolution routes and an unimaginable force will be born.

There has not been a sighting of variants after armies started ravaging the lands, even Hilda only saw about several at most and they killed majority of her masters before, so she wasn't sure if any of them exist anymore since it had been buried.

It was a shame, all the he heard was useful but with how Hilda dictated it, had happened a long time ago, so it would only be grasping, a thin rope in the darkness just to find the treasure.

All in all, the trip wasn't a waste anymore, he gained a lot from digging and found an unbelievable treasure.

When the naming was done Stigma was dead tired, so he ordered Dusk to turn into a large canopy covering him and Hilda to the surface, afterwards he passed out only find himself back to the small hole he climbed into with the sun still down and his headache gone.

Hilda informed him, that Dusk kept on transforming to different forms afterwards, assuming it was its nature.

Then it guarded the entrance, what had happened next was not long after, about three wolves started appearing only to be killed by Dusk, and then a tiger started coming from the scent of blood, although it took a long time for Dusk to kill it not long after it perished.

About four more wolves showed and tried to steal the corpses but Dusk took care of them all. The corpses are piled outside by the entrance and Dusk was guarding it as it switched forms.

Stigma climbed out of the cave to stretch only to have his vision blocked by bodies piled into a small hill.

It made him feel useless, he became independent since then, so having others doing this type of accomplishment felt empty.

After he gets stronger he will stand in front of the Beast not behind a group of men.

"Thank you for the hard work Dusk." Even if the ghost could not respond, he felt like he should at least congratulate its effort.

Dusk didn't respond only shifting his form one after another. Out of curiosity he checked Dusk status, along with Hilda's stats.


Name: Dusk

Species: Wraith

Rank: Unique (I)

Skills: Mimicry (II), Invisibility(II), Assimilation(I)


Mimicry (II) 65%

*A skill unique to Poltergeists, for as long their body mass allows them, they can change their body parts to any form. Each level will increase their body mass.

Invisibility (II) 45%

*A skill that obscure presence for 5 minutes. Each level increases the time by five minutes and further fades one's presence.

Assimilation (I) 80%

*A skill that absorbs and stores energy inside its body to increase its strength and sends to its master's vessel when ordered and vice versa, its range of absorption depends physical contact. Each level gained will increase speed of absorption, and increases strength.


Name: Brunhilda

Species: Demon Sword

Rank: Unique (I)

Skills: Erode(IV), Possession(II), Curse Body (I)


Erode (IV) 64%

*A skill that absorbs the stored energy and weakening the structure upon contact, as well increase self-healing. Each level gained will increase speed of absorption, and increases weakening effect.

Possession (II) 24%

*A skill that possesses the body of its user and increases physical abilities depending on the level. Each level increase will affect more of the body.

Curse Body (I) 10%

*A skill that uses the body as a vessel and control Grudge energy stored in the body. Abilities of curses when used will increase.

"Good Weapon!!!"

Stigma was surprised no wonder many experts tried various methods to gain Hilda, she was considered a cheat when a powerful fighter held it. Her skill seem to have weakened greatly after having no owner.

But from her constant stubbornness she was able to increase the level of the 'Erode' skill to dig, but why are the other skill like this? He asked Hilda about it.

"The reason was that, unlike before, only my ability to absorbed was constantly used my other abilities were ignored, hence no one new how to use it. And most of the energy was cultivate to that specific ability, hence it was the only one to have regressed."

When she explained the cause, it made sense after all, she did try to help her owner but they only assumed the sword had one ability, and it was the work of reflex or instinct.

He turned his head away to inspect the new corpses, the majority had the same skills from before, except two new one showed up.


Species: Great Dire Wolf

Ranks: Unique (II)

Skills: Howling (III), Blood Lust(IV), Alpha Male (III)

Howling(III) 46%

*A skill that intimidates and increases ones stat of the surrounding vicinity. Each level increases

intimidation and status effect.

Blood Lust (IV) 32%

*A skill that provokes the soul and chance of having their status decrease. Each level increases chance of effect.

Alpha Male (III) 56%

*A skill that increase coordination from group, and warns them of Alpha's danger. Each level increase the distance subordinates can be aware.


Species: Thunder Horned Dire Wolf

Ranks: Unique(I)

Skills: Lightning Spirit (V), Thunder Wave(II), Lightning Rod (II)

Lightning Spirit (V) 28%

*A skill that increases the effectiveness of lightning based attacks, increase chances of target gaining stun effect. Each Level increase stun duration. Passive Skill.

Thunder Wave(II) 75%

*A skill that releases a shock wave in the surrounding areas, those in range will receive paralysis effect for five seconds. Each level increases paralysis duration.

Lightning Rod (II) 35%

*A skill that absorbs lightning element and strengthen the next attack, cool down time will be 5 minutes. Each level increase, will lessen cool down time.

Two new species were found and they were both evolved, from what Hilda had told him, variants can only be born under certain condition, hence if requirements are meet then a variant species will be born.

Their cores will change in the energy contained and if they are refined to a weapon then the effects will be inherited.

Hence many still try to hunt them, not just for fame but for the unknown benefits they can earn from it.

The Great Dire Wolf was larger than the 'normal' wolves that were the size of a sofa by a meter, if a child where to be its prey them the head would have been swallowed whole.

It's fur was similar but it had a black streak going to its head to it's tail.

From Hilda's description, this is the general evolution of the Dire Wolves when they kill random enemies and focused their strength and defense.

They are considered the leader of large packs, and have elites follow him, depending on the size of the pack, the Great Dire wolf would be considered a captain commanding troops in human standards if it reached its full capacity of 100. This one lead the four wolves here.

Cultivators who use leather armor, value its pelt since its flexible and can handle sharp attacks, the core of this is the size of an apple, while normal wolves were the size of an orange.

Because these Heavenly Beast are dangerous not because of their size, but their ability to evolve using the core as a catalyst to enhance their strength, even a vermin like rats can kill a man once they grow into a size of a dog.

The other Heavenly Beast, was called Thunder Horned Dire Wolf, like the name it had a horned shaped similar to a thunderbolt, even when it died the horn still emitted a lightning element.

It's size was smaller than the regular wolves about a three-fourth from its original size.

This was leading three wolves.

She explained that the Thunder Horned are physically weaker, but it makes for its lack of strength for its speed and lightning attribute.

It is said to be born from absorbing lightning elements continuously before evolving to its next state, she remembered that this species always attack during storms, where lightning and thunder were present and wait to have lighting struck it.

There would be even times when some cultivators with the lightning element tame this beast as to have a companion or sell them to aristocrats as pets.

Their pelts are weak to physical attacks, but can withstand lightning elements.

It's core can help in a lightning practitioner's cultivation, while it's horn can be refined to add a lightning element to any weapon or armor.

Now the last one was the large the one's present, it was a tiger.

Its fur was red orange with with black stripes like a normal one, its fangs were as long as a kitchen knife, and its still had blood in its mouth, it was obviously bludgeoned to death by the neck and head.

Using the 'Essence Reader' he check its skill which showed how formidable this beast really is.


Species: Predator Tiger

Ranks: Unique (III)

Skills: Steel Body(III), Thunderous Howl(II), Detection(IV)


Steel Body (III) 60%

*A skill that increase the bodies natural strength and defense. Each level gained will increase parameters.

Thunderous Howl (II) 20%

*A skill that lowers stats of surrounding enemies. Each level gained increases range and effect.

Detection (IV) 45%

*A skill that perceives attack patterns from surrounding by a meter away. Each level gained will increase the range by another meter.

Although the skills were for defensive purposes at the hands of a large beast these skill will end any warrior life, but it obvious shows how easy it is to kill once its weakness shows.

The size was only a head shorter than the Great Dire Wolf, but it's mass of muscle speaks volumes.

The limbs were thicker than the nimble legs of a wolves that were developed for speed, the tigers was develop for swiping its prey and using its explosive leg power to jump or sprint.

Its fur was explained heavier than normal like a suit of armor, and normal attack had no visible effect on it, you can only damage its mouth or use a heavy attack on its head or neck repeatedly, judging from the bruising on the neck it was obvious Dusk was merciless once the weakness had shone.

The defensive ability of this is higher than the Great Dire Wolf by a whole level there were numerous streak marks of a knife proves how durable the fur was, no wonder Dusk had a hard time killing it.

Hilda explained these Beast hunt alone so there was no danger, after hunting one.

There was a total of seven wolves and a tiger corpses in total, if he was not wrong just absorbing the souls of the wolves right now, he was close to fully form the Wolf Soul, and he can gain a abilities like from the tiger.

Wasting no he used 'Soul Eater' and the expected notification with a surprise showed up.


[Due to absorbing a evolved version of the same species you will gain energy in a higher rate, Wolf Soul has achieved 100%, Wolf Soul has been formed]

[Thunder Horned Dire Wolf soul has been absorbed, soul absorbed the abilities or said evolution]

[Great Dire Wolf soul has been absorbed, soul absorbed the abilities or said evolution]

[Soul's gained from same species will be counted as the same]

[Due to absorbing a new species, a new souls will be formed upon completion.]

[Tiger Soul at 30%, soul has been formed from the fierce beast of dominance, once soul has been fully formed, they will gain the abilities of one of the apex predator of its Tier]

When it pours, it rains.

More and more good things are falling down his lap, he knows that they were not gained by himself, so once he gains enough foundation he will consider himself strong, and do it himself and feel satisfied.

"Master, what's wrong, your presence suddenly changed after the energy was entering you"