Revenge of the Heavenly Beast

"Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell is going on!"

Wade was currently facing an Evolved version of the apex predator, born in the territory of the Naga clan.

The Great Predator Tiger, the name itself is self explanatory as it is stronger than the later evolution the Predator Tiger.

It was considered a badge of honor to defeat such a beast, especially when the cultivator is in the lesser Tiers.

He was about to end its life and collect his prize, but Stigma reappeared out of nowhere.

Judging by the timing, he was watching to support it but ended up trying to protect and save it, so he gave up his advantage in hiding and became an open target to him.

But he wondered, why step forward into the battlefield, when he can just distract him from the distance then risk his chances of leaving.

He put aside the bizarre action and decided to not miss his opportunity, he was about to take him out when his back was turned, but what he did had caused the changes to the Tiger.

The beast before had completely changed, before it was beast that was going to die from his continuous strikes, but had suddenly gain vigor and rage.

He remembered such an event in the past that had been circling and that a ghost story was made as a sign of warning, which had a dark history.

Such an event had been made a phrase: "Never break the natural order."

It meant not to disturb what was born naturally.

The story had been told to multiple lands; about a discovery that changed the mindset of all cultivators to reckless challenging Heavenly Beast to be wary of strange beast.

Cultivators have spent years in understanding the Heavenly Beast's nature and ability to their use, such as using their battle as a catalyst for a break through, or using their remains in creating rare medicine.

They have also came to an understanding, when a beast goes to their next Tier; they gain either a new set of skills or take an evolution.

That though took up a form of challenge to them, to better themselves and gain fame and fortune.

The problem however, is that they still have little information in how or why they evolve, take the Thunder Horn Dire Wolf.

The theory is that, these beast accumulate thunder elements during the storm, but they have no idea on how much energy is needed.

Hence there were rare sightings, it had turned into a form of legend.

The history behind it started from an wealthy cultivator from a prosperous city, trying to prove his discovery.

There once was a cultivator who had tried experiment, by using normal Dire wolves and force them into evolving, which lead him to use almost all his fortune to try to prove the theory.

Then turn them all into his slave beast army, and become his personal army as he mass produce other beast thourgh force evolution.

The issue was how to make a beast evolve, hunting other beast and using their meat and blood was no good, they had trained to listen to him and evolve naturally.

So he had to use the available material, which were elements stones, at the time it was a very difficult to attain multiple element, so he had to focus on the elements he had in his family fortune.

To test the theory, he trapped some Dire wolf in cages with some thunder, fire, water, and light stones inside and waited for it to cultivate in using the tresures by itself.

The result however had him confused, the Dire wolves inside were still the same, but the stones he had placed were missing, to look through the possibility he cut open each wolf from its abdomen, doing an autopsy while they were still alive.

As he had guessed, the stones were not devoured but were naturally absorbed, he wanted to further test them, but due to severe blood loss they had perished not long after .

But what confused him more was that why did the Dire wolves remained the same and didn't evolve, afterwards numerous Dire wolves had suffered a cruel fate, yet still there was no concrete result were found from their sacrifice.

With his family fortune almost gone, scorn and disgust was returned to him from his family, friends and former fiance.

Which lead him to be desperate, most of his experiments ended with him killing all of the wolves, and he came close into using non-cultivators.

But with the scorn of the higher society, the non-cultivators or commoners will not abide by his wishes easily.

Out of his last efforts, he tried doing an insane experiment that left him no choice.

What if the Dire Wolves he caught were weak, hence no evolution was possible.

So he made a plan, his idea was to capture a large amount of wolves, trap them in a large hole without feeding them and have them kill each other out of desperation to feed themselves.

Then the strongest left will be the one with the highest chance to evolve, so he can focus all his resources on them.

It took him all of what was left of his fortune but he didn't care, his final experiment had drained him of all his assets that he had to sell all his precious jewels, property and land that were his gift in the engagement for his fiance.

But he still didn't care, as the result will reap him a greatest reward to cure his madness and obsession.

If he can prove that his experiment is a success, then he will be the first one to gain powerful beast as familiars and regain his former glory and fortune.

A total sum of one thousand wolves were trapped in a deep hole, by leaving them for over a year, his experiment immediately began.

After a year had passed there were still roughly eight hundred left, with his limited funds, he left them for about another year, and if there was still more he would left them alone until five years in total.

After five years of waiting, his experiment was going to begin, he was about to return to his pit of wolves, when he heard a horrifying howl that pierced the heavens.

The howl was a sign of progress, ignoring the cry of concern from the other, he went towards his hidden pit, only to be greeted by a nightmare.

What was happening before him was out of his expectation.

Heavenly Beast are rumored to be descendants of Godly beast who ruled different realms.

So they represents a natural order, like tsunamis or storms, yet cultivators have gained the ability to harness it.

Yet what was happening was beyond natural, like he had expected the wolves that numbered over a thousand had dwindled to about ten left, but they were spin chilling than appealing.

Each had a deformed appearance, close to being in starvation and exhaustion.

Their eyes were scarlet red, their breathing was haggard, they fur turned fiery red, and they were bathed in a furious aura.

Seeing such beast caused to feel fear and delight, all his effort had gained him the final form of his evolution.

With the intention of using them he stepped closer, then his life ended afterwards.

The beast had been trapped for five years, seeing their on their brethren die one by one had caused them to lose their own noble code, with each passing day they had been pushed to forcing themselves to starve, and spent their confined years into cultivate.

Now that five years have passed only ten remained, all with the same goal, to take revenge on the humans.

The Cultivators living in the city fought back, but the wolves were stronger than expected, despite being injured and close to death they had continued onto their assault, ignoring the incoming attacks.

The city invasion of the ten wolves had ended after two days.

The beast took all the lives of the surrounding humans, decimating most of life and leaving behind only the ruins of a once great city.

After killing the whole society they died out of exhaustion.

This was from a witness who survived the rampage of the said beast.

Since then, the city was known as the revenge of the Heavenly Beast, forming an idea that if they provoke a beast without precaution, serious consequences will follow.

Their state called them berseker mode.

Now in front of Wade had the same expression as the story had dictated about them.

The tiger still had its injuries, but it didn't weaken its fierce template.

Strengthening his resolve, he brought about three more bottles of berserker potions and swallowed them all in one gulp.

"Come on!"

He was going to die anyway, he might as well die with honor, than die like a fool.

Taking his stance, he readied himself, when he blinked the beast disappeared.

He looked around and found it was nowhere, then he tried to use his right arm to grab a rock, he couldn't as he felt a warm liquid flowing down his side.


After a few moments it finally hit him, he was not able to feel his arm to due it dangling from his shoulder, pain started to rush towards his head.

He was injured before, but they were close to being flesh wounds, compared to his mangled arm.

The tiger had turned into a defensive beast to a all out assault mode.

Like he had expected the beast was rampaging and tried to tackle him only to be meet with a side swing to the head.

Normally when beast that got hit in the head would be struggling to stand, but it was not the case with the one before him.

Another dash came after him slamming him to the trees repeatedly, again, again, and again, he was losing ground, bleeding heavily, and his back was caved in to the tree behind him.

Struggling to look at the beast, he saw that the beast dripping with blood in its eyes, ears and its head, staring at him with anger with a haggard breath.

Clearly the berserker mode he heard of was right, it was sacrificing it his life energy and gained a surged of power like his Berserker Potion, but it was losing it's ability to feel pain and sanity.

In fact, the Berserker potion was made with the intention of mimicking the ability without losing the user sanity.


Clearly it wanted to take revenge with him beating it to death and wanted to play around with him, before he can die.


He already took his arm, so he panicked and ran with all his might, throwing away his pride all for the sake of surviving this vengeful beast.

He was cursing Stigma nonstop for what he did, if he had a chance, he would strangle him to death and feed his corpse to the beast.


"Looks like it was effective."

"Master! What did you do!"

Hilda had a surprised voice when she sensed the energy from the tiger changed from a dying life force to a violent torrent.

"Hmm, just mixed the rage energy from before with the jug of blood, and slammed it to its head."

Before, the energy he used had caused the bat to explode, he guessed that it was due to it being physically weak to handle the stress of the change.

But with the tough of seeing it rampage for a while, he used a large douse of energy and took a gamble.

"To think you can do something like this, truly mysterious!"

Hilda was whispering but had a hint of excitement, clearly she was expecting her master to do something, but the joy of surprise cause her to lose her self for a moment.


The puppy was growling at the direction where Wade was running to, it still had a sense of hatred for hurting it's master.

Stigma smiled by the cute action and patted its head, comforting it.

"Don't worry little one, you will get your revenge."

As he watched towards the struggle Wade was going through, he disappeared preparing for his encounter.

And the wail of despair and the roar of a beast continued.