Difference in Status (3) - Decision and Future Action

'What the hell, more shit to worry about....'

When Stigma checked his status out of curiosity, a notification appeared, contents that should be something to cause him some joy only to stop and think for a moment. After thinking it through, rather than a sort of blessing, it just gave him more of a headache.

But at the same time thankful for the current choices, if he added the other skills he had stored, a severe migraine will appear if they all appeared at once.

'Hmmm, Essence Reader, Poltergeist, Soul Eater, Taboo, Demon's Soul, I have to choose among these...'

First of, out of the five, two should be taken out without question, namely Taboo and Poltergeist.

Taboo was a skill that just spells trouble when Stigma first learned about it, although he had it for sometime, it's actual use has yet to be discovered. What concerned him more was that it only levels up when he absorbs souls of still living beings, so he really wanted to to avoid using it and seal it in the future.

Poltergeist on the other hand was a skill Stigma was against force evolving it when he first heard about the upgrade; going by how it works, he can just let it evolve on its own, as long as he lets Dusk kill some prey, while slowly understanding what Dusk was really capable of.

During his free time, he experimented with Dusk and 'Essence Reader' to help level both of them, contrary to what he initially thought, Dusk didn't level up by just following orders. But by letting it kill a bunch of Beast it helps get stronger in a way, what concerned him was that if he kept on force evolving on its own, Dusk won't be flexible to most orders from now on.

He always did wonder as to why Dusk was still around and didn't disappear, but Stigma expected that everything will be explained once he asked the Demon when he has the chance.

So his choices had been limited to three left.

'Essence Reader' was a skill that allows Stigma to check his surrounding along with viewing his and others status, depending on the level the range increases by the radius in two meters each, so he needs it to level up no matter what. But he can just reuse the skill over and over since it was getting close to ranking up on its own.

'Soul Eater' was a skill that allows him to gain, separate and stores the surrounding energies and skills from deceased being, with no problem; like the 'Essence Reader' the levels equals the distance of kilometers. But the issue was, he wanted to find a way to get souls one by one, to avoid another incident where he overeats again, he had a feeling the Demon would be more difficult to handle in the future if he were to attempt another breakthrough.

As for the last one, Demon's Soul was from the Little Demons, so he had to study it carefully, if he wasn't careful he would go down the wrong path; since he had just recently received it, so immediately leveling it would be a waste. But if he were to choose it now, he can find out more about its use.


'....Only one comes to mind, and I think it's the right one!' Out of all the options Stigma made his choice, it might be a waste but he just had to bear with the consequences later.

"I choose, Essence Reader!"


[Congratulation Dear Host, you have use the excess energy from the Demon's Soul to rank up 'Essence Reader' to IV]

[Due to excess energy, skill has ranked up once more to Rank V]

[Congratulation Dear Host, you have broken the boundaries of skill 'Essence Reader' into Rank V, from then on, all information will be reevaluated to suit the Host needs.]

[Processing new status format....]


[Name: Stigma Falsus

Age: 10

Rank: Unique (I)(Early stage)

0 / 10000

Strength: 10 - > 160

Agility: 10 - > 180

Vitality: 10 - > 260

Zen Reserves: 1700 / 1700


Essence Reader(V) 0%, Poltergeist (III) (1) 60%, Soul Eater (V) 0%, Taboo(III) 45%, Demon's Soul 5%


Current Souls Absorbed: Soul of Impurity (I), Wolf Soul (II), Snake Soul (I), Stag Soul

(I), Bear Soul (I), Eagle Soul (I), Bull Soul (I), Boar Soul (I), Monkey Soul (I), Cheetah

Soul (I), Rabbit Soul (I), Rat Soul (I), Goat Soul (I), Bat Soul (I)


Pure Energy: 220%

Grudge Energy: 104%

Wrath Energy: 140%

Fire Energy: 104%

Earth Energy: 103%

Water Energy: 20%

Light Energy: 4%


Stock Piled Souls:

Soul of Wrath: (Complete - 100%)

Tiger Soul: 30%

Snake Soul: 80%


1. Dusk (I)(1) (270 / 2500)

2. Brunhilda (I) (300 / 3000)

3. Kirin (I) (180 / 2000)



After reading the status and comparing the past one, he finally understood what changes had happened.

'I finally have states to work with!' Uncontrollable joy overcame Stigma, he always wondered if he was imbalanced or not, and he somehow gained new information on his new status window. The anxiety of not knowing always bothered him, but now he had something to work with.

But that wasn't the only thing that made him jump for joy, since he gained the Demon's soul, a stream of information entered his head before his could ask.

The changes are as follows; His previously empty stage and tier had turned into the Early Stage and First Tier, it just shows that he still had to follow the laws of the world, but it only proves that he really did broke through all the way from the Zero Tier to the next Tier.

Below the ranking is something similar to the Exp. Bar in RPG games, from what he can understand, as long as he has full reserves, he can convert any excess Zen energy to be his reserves for his future break through. At the same time he can use it during his future battles, which makes it more difficult to have an easy break through.

But that wasn't the only thing he discovered, information entered his head and apparently the rank in his status screen dictates the reserves he can have after each break through, but that also means he has got to have larger reserves from now own.

When he saw his reserves, being in the unique rank wasn't just some form of exaggeration, along with his familiar's breakthrough points, that means they were monsters in their own category.

"That means I can tell when we can go through a break through! Nice!" As for the Demon Soul, it only levels up when he beast the Demon from time to time, depending on his Tier the more he can increases it level.

But that would also mean he could use his reserves to train in his cultivation method: 'Way of the Caged Soul: Demon's Release'.

If he only meditated to accumulate his reserve, he would be able to have a breakthrough at an earlier date but immediately ignores his training and experience; if he were only go through battles, then all his movements and skills would be polished, but then he would be dying earlier than usual if he had fought a powerful opponent out of nowhere. If he only trains, no experience was gained through combat and he will exhaust his reserves more than usual without seeing actual progress.

So going by what the Demons said, the cultivation method Stigma was going through was the 'High Risk and High Return' type. All he had to do was to accumulate his reserves, then enter the 'Inner World', train like he was in hell and gain experience in actual combat, without the risk of dying, sort of deal.

Finally, the one thing that could help him with all his troubles, his physical stats.

"But how are they calculated?" Closing his eyes for a moment, he thought of only one possibility. Moving his finger towards the tabs full of beast souls got his answer.

*Strength = Attack + Defense

*Agility= Speed + Reflexes

*Vitality = Endurance + Stamina + Dexterity


Wolf Soul (II) Speed + 40, Stamina + 40

Snake Soul (I) Reflexes + 20, Dexterity + 20

Stag Soul (I) Defence + 30, Endurance + 20

Bear Soul (I) Attack + 50, Stamina + 30

Eagle Soul (I) Speed + 20, Stamina + 10

Bull Soul (I) Attack + 20, Defence + 30

Boar Soul (I) Defense + 20, Stamina + 20

Monkey Soul (I) Dexterity + 20, Reflexes +20

Cheetah Soul (I) Speed + 30, Reflexes + 20

Rabbit Soul (I) Stamina + 10, Speed + 20

Rat Soul (I) Reflex + 10, Stamina + 20

Goat Soul (I) Endurance + 20, Stamina + 20

Bat Soul (I) Speed + 10, Dexterity + 20



10+30+50+30+20+20 = 150


10+40+20+20+20+30+20+20+10+10 = 170


10+40+20+20+30+10+20+20+20+10+20+20+20 = 250

'Seems about right' After doing some calculation the results should match when Stigma added them all together including his, so far all his stats were boosted by the beast souls which would explain why he was faster and stronger than before.

To others viewing from the outside, it looked like Stigma was staring blankly into space and mumbling to himself like crazy person with a wide grin. Hilda on the other hand was reading the situation such that her master was still sick.

"Master, master, master!" After shouting for a while, Hilda finally had Stigma's attention, only to respond with a grunt then continue staring into space again.

"Mmmm, Master is there something the matter, you have only been in daze after the fight....Are you perhaps still ill from before." Hilda was currently the only who can look after Stigma if he needed verbal help, Dusk can only do anything unless a specific order was made, and if Kirin were present it can only perform its basic form of help, physical comfort.

"Hmm, ah sorry, something was on my mind so nothing to worry about..." Having gave a half-hearted reply only made Hilda worry so he pushed his thought aside for tomorrow for know.

"...By the way Master, something has been on my mind lately."

"Hmm, what's wrong?" After removing the shield strapped to his back, Hilda then gave him a question.

"....When are you going to get rid of that arm." The arm Hilda was referring to arm Stigma grabbed when Denis came out of nowhere.

While unfastening his binds and removing his boots he thought for a while.

"Ah right I had that, well it's no secret I just wanted to study the serum and see if I can replicate it to some degree, and make the effects permanent."

It was a long shot, but Stigma had to have some extra precaution like when he had fought against Wade. His skills are powerful, but he needed time and preparation to use most of it.

"Master it's dangerous, there's a reason why that drug is only known by a few, and possibility in finding one could only be sold in black markets. A place where everything part of it is dangerous and embodies the 'High Risk and Low Return' phrase to every details, swindlers, drug dens, loan sharks you name it, that place is where every low life would be involved who wants east money in their pockets."

"Alright, I suppose I could get rid of it in the forest but it would draw some unwanted attention, so I can only get rid of it here by placing it among the goods."

"Alright, I guess I should sleep now and figure out what to do tomorrow." Stigma had about three options, one is either wait for Felix to return and claim back his cores then ask him about his relation to the Naga Clan.

He could tell that Felix and his group weren't the type to cause trouble since they went on covered their faces, based on Hilda's testimony along with Stigma seeing his face hidden behind a carriage, it only shows they were wary of the Naga's.

Option number two would be him selling the cores he had at hand including the other materials at the space rings, then see what he buy from one of the shops listed. If he could find some similar to elemental stone like before, he can use them and live of the forest for a while.

And the last one...

"We could go and buy some meat tomorrow then go back for Kirin, I'm kinda nervous in leaving him behind all alone the woods."

After looking at his Status bar from time to time, he can see all his familiar if they were fine or not. As long as Kirin's name is still lit up, Stigma can only assume that it was still fine, but the thought of leaving behind his pet was causing him to rethink that he should have brought it anyway.

"I agree, Kirin is still young so its better to keep it around us to watch over it, rather letting it live of the meat we left could be a bad idea, I remember it being a glutton so most of the meat may have been gone. Worse case scenario, something bad happened and we would bring it here, if it tries to fight it, we can only force it and find something to cover its nose."

With all said is done, Stigma placed all his belongings by his bedside and ordered Dusk to block anyone or anything getting near him, Hilda or any of his belongings, while he was at it he made sure there was some light in front of the door will he put out the lights from the side of his bed.

There was a reason why he prepared such a precaution, before he went inside the tent, Stigma could tell some eyes were watching him among the crowd. Unlike the gazes of curiosity or fear coming from the majority, he felt like someone was looking at him, but he or she didn't emit any form of hostility, but was trying to observes him through his movements and gesture.

What concerned him was that the gaze had followed when he left the receptionist tent early on, and continued to follow him when he waited for Felix's group. If he were to go by the events so far, after Felix's group had entered the tent it continued to monitor them, yet he passed out for sometime causing him to lose the trace and thought that the observer had left and lost interest.

Yet he felt like it was still around even after waking up, what proves his theory was he felt the gaze observing from a distance and unceasingly watching even with the crowd.


'Ah hell, can't think too much about it. If Hilda can't detect it, then I'm no different unless my range increases.' Even with his skill ranked up to V, it won't change a difference if the target wasn't in range.

Taking one last look around he went sleep, with Dusk standing guard by his side. Strangely enough he could feel safe when such a figure looked after him. If one ignores its appearance its really reliable.



'Hmm? Looks like the observer wanted to pay a visit.' After squinting his eyes, he soon noticed the lights he put up a while ago were slowly being extinguished.

Without waiting for a response Stigma grabbed a knife from his side and threw it by the entrance when he saw a figure. Like the figure saw it coming it lifted it's left hand and grabbed the thrown knife.

"Who are you!" Grabbing Hilda by his side, Stigma performed a battle stance by lowering his body for a dash at any time, with his free hand by his waist he was ready to use the extra knives.

'Careful Master, he is extremely skilled if he can grab a knife mid air.'

"Hmm, introduction should be done with both parties consent, so how about this....make me..."

Before Stigma could figure out anything else, the knife he threw was thrown back. With his beast like reflexes he swayed to the right side, the knife tore threw the tent right behind him and made a dash at the intruder.

As if the figure was expecting him to dash at him, he put up his guard and shadowed his action then meet at the middle of the tent and tried to grab him. Stunned from his action Stigma didn't stop and did a side swing with Hilda, unfortunately the figure retracted his hand and parried using his gauntlet, grabbing the two knives Stigma jumped back and threw one at him.

The figure them repeated the action and grabbed the knife with one of his hand, without missing a beat Stigma grabbed a bottle on the table, then made another dash at the figure once more.

'He's as fast me, gotta outsmart him instead...'

Using the thrown knife, the figure made a battle stance and readied himself, when he saw Stigma threw the bottle he grabbed it again with his free hand. But Stigma already for saw that action and threw the knife by his leg at the same time, unfortunately the figure foresaw the action and dodged again, yet Stigma didn't stop.

After watching his movements for a while, Stigma could tell the figure was a veteran and a skilled fighter. But he had made one mistake, he was after him and wanted to restrain him.

"I'm not that easy!" As Stigma got closer, the figure chuckled and took a step back throwing the bottle at Stigma's face, at the same time threw the knife behind it. If Stigma dodged at this distance, the figure would take the chance to grab him at any time, but if he were to parry the first strike the knife would get him.

But he wasn't aiming for neither, leaning towards the right Stigma dodged the attack then the figure took his chance, but Stigma was ready then swung his left hand, the very same hand that had his space ring.

After picturing one weapon, it appeared on his hand, an axe.

Shocked from the sudden weapon, the figure jumped back, unfortunately Stigma wasn't as kind as he appears.

"Dusk restrain him!" With his one order, Dusk immediately dashed towards the Figure and crashed at him. As if on que, Dusk had formed into a blanket restraining him completely. Since the infiltrator was already captured Stigma took his time and walked towards it then swung Hilda to his shoulder, he wanted to begin interrogation, yet the figure suddenly praise him

"Ha ha ha ha, brilliant brilliant, I don't know how you did it, but you did it brilliantly!Ha ha ha ha!"

While Stigma was trying to figure who the figure was, he was suddenly given a strange proposal.

"Hey kid, you have talent and potential want to be an assassin!"

What the hell...