Encounter (5) - Disturbance

Thirty minutes ago, while Stigma and Felix were having their discussion inside the tent, a man was jumping around from the top of each tent with a panicked expression. His breathing was haggard and his face was covered with a decorative face mask sold locally from a nearby shop.

Each time he tried to peer into the crowd, he jumped to the next tent and repeated the action. Clearly the one he was looking for wasn't in the area, so he had to look around the entire market which may ended wasting too much time, but he had no choice.

'Fuck! Where is he? If something happens to him, I'll be in deep shit when I return!'

While he was jumping around, the people from below soon noticed him, assuming that he was some sort of performance from the Top. But the merchants, who were informed beforehand and agreed to the events had no idea who that man was causing a disturbance.

They soon realized the man was looking at the crowd with a heavy breathing, so the daughters of wealthy patrons along with the young women in the crowd panicked and called for the guards in a panic.

Realizing that suspicion and attention were forming from the surrounding people, the man left with mad haste.

When he left, the Security Guards finally arrived and started questioning several eyewitnesses, the jumper was described as a man wearing a brown robe and was covering his face with a mask and covered his head with a hood when the majority looked at him, so they couldn't describe the face.

After dashing around a few more time, he decided to end his search from above and used the second approach to search from within the crowd and start from scratch, after he jumped inside an unguarded tent he disappeared from their sights.

While the guards were busy searching, the jumper was already attempting to change his identity. After a flick of his wrist, a new set of clothes had appeared including a new mask, changing into a new set of clothes, he then replaced his current mask to a mask with a different design.

A space ring was a universal sign of a Cultivator since they were the only ones who can activate it, even if the Cultivators aren't a part of a clan or a large organization, it could also means they had slain one which proves that they are at the level of Cutivators.

"Damn it! Where is that brat! I have to hurry find him or else sister and leader will beat me to death, and we have to start the mission soon!"

With another flick of the wrist, the set of clothes he was wearing disappeared, after calming his breathing he ventured into the crowd and continued with his search. As he was walking outside he saw a passing a group of guards, he then walked towards a peddler selling old pots and overheard them mumble a few words, because he was a cultivator his senses are more powerful than normal folk, so the conversation was clear as the wind.

"Hey did you hear, some hunters who came from outside have found pools of blood a few meters away from the valley, along with some torn flesh they found a handful of trees with some charred layers and deep claw marks."

"What? It could have been some hunters who did that, you know to preserve the meat longer by draining the blood. Also it must've of been a beast who had some life left then struggled when it was hanged and fought its way, eventually dying halfway and the hunters didn't say anything to hide the shame they made."

"Might be, but the amount of blood found was unsettling so the Top ordered an investigation if some people have gone missing from their quarters. Fact is, there was a number of missing people that matched the amount of people who ventured into the forest at night and have yet to return, don't you think it..."

"Enough! Those are just rumors, nothing more but gossip from the mercenaries or commoners who don't know shit!" With his teeth nashed, the one of the annoyed guards moved on ahead with the other lagging behind to catch up.

'...Pools of blood and people not returning, now that I think about it, the cook of that meat skewer shop hasn't returned...and I have been hearing some rumors going on about the night hills have eyes...'

"....Not my problem." Afterwards he disappeared into the crowd and continued with his search with a look of indifference. But even as he moved forward, the whispers never stopped entering his ears with the same topic - Beast of the Forest.


After having their discussion, Stigma had given the option for both of their goals to work out, but Felix had to listen to his request first.

"...I'm sorry some people just asked me to join a profession not long ago, so it might conflict my time in visiting your clan. But you took care of me when I was sick, so I can't look away when the favor has yet to be returned, so let me explain what could we do..."

The request details are as follows: Stigma would agree to what Felix had offered, but before he could follow him. Stigma will need to explain to his employers first and workout a consensus. Afterwards Felix should not treat him differently, when he hear Stigma's reason for agreeing to take the job.

For the details, Stigma described what had happened yesterday without missing any details. As for Felix, he continued to listen as his eyebrow continued to twitch, while he was trying not to break his poker face. Felix had a hard time believing that Stigma wanted to involve himself with some dangerous people.

Especially the man. He also had some concerns to the one who had formed a barrier, immediately realizing a cultivator had to be involved. Barriers are made in two ways; either by a cultivator with knowledge in producing trap formation or items with inscription inscribed before hand.

Both these are plausible, since all the needed was a cultivators in activating it, and if Stigma did have a talisman then it was personally made.

It was true Felix thought that Stigma's gifted strength can lead him to a bright future and wanted to recruit him, but he would had never expected that someone else had approached him first and offered a job to be an Assassin.

If this was true, then Stigma would have the opportunity to create a connection to the underworld, but at the same time experience the dark side of society.

'....If he wants to be an assassin, then all I have to do is support him and be there when he needs me. After all, if one trudges down a path, they must have a place to call home to continue moving forward.'

But there was a problem Felix pointed out to Stigma.

So far, their method to recruit members or how many existing assassin groups is unknown, the underworld is known for making sure the information they receive is accurate. At the same time, any information leaks are impossible to find. Any traitors are impossible to find since they had the same reason and origin so not one had emerged, if any did exist then they were silenced without exceptions.

To make sure their clients or mission information are not carelessly leaked, Assassins are said to have used various methods of silencing any members and forcing them to not be careless, such as mixing food with slow acting poison with a time limit with an antidote or another Assassin following them in secret.

Since no Assassin afflicted to the underworld had yet to be captured alive, no clear evidence can support the theory, and most of them were coming from rumors spreading about from pubs or slums.

Based on how Stigma described their interaction and their ability to create a barrier, the ones who scouted him sounded like actual members who are Cultivators, or they may also be assassins that are trying to made a name for themselves and earn a living by killing political figures or nobles currently in the market and are trying to use Stigma as a scapegoat.

'Since they were trying to hide their identities, they must be hear under orders to be incognito...So who is their target then...'

"Stigma you may have to rethink this, these people may be trying to fool you and be nothing but bait."

From what Stigma explained, if he takes the profession he can collect information that could not be circulated, so he would know who he interacts with and where to venture. He also wanted to collect as much combat experience from experts that have criminal records, along with collect bounties and fame so he can move around more freely while gaining more information.

But in truth, Stigma wanted to get use to killing and have a license to kill, between earning an honest living to plundering wealth, the former gained more profit. Plus, no one would complain if the scum would disappear from the face of existence and Stigma can gain all their accumulated treasure they had.

Beside, this world already made it clear that the strong rule everything, while the weak crawl in the corner and are taken advantage of. Stigma threatening those men from the entrance or the people from the reception before were clear example.

"I don't gain anything if I don't venture into a tigers den. Also, it's common courtesy to follow through the first choice then judge what to do next, immediately abandoning the offer would be no different that insulting the person who reach out to you"

Felix can only sigh from that thought, although Felix was older than him, he felt that Stigma was far more mature than his age and had a more broad vision for his future.

He can only concede to the logical argument, since he himself would not let go of an opportunity such as that.

"Ah, by the way, can you accompany me for the next few days. I need someone to verify if the money and the contract I will receive are legitimate."

"? From what transaction was it from?"

"Remember about the incident on the entrance, that was because of a mercenary trying to take advantage of the fact I was visiting for the first time, he didn't knew I was a Cultivator so I threatened them to give me compensation. Since this is my first contract, I need someone who can verify it, they might lie to me or pay-less than the agreed price."

"Alright, anything else?"

"Hmm, is it possible to bring a Heavenly Beast here? I left it outside since it didn't like to come here for some reason, it's still a newborn so leaving it outside is making me worry."

"Hmm, a newborn, its possible as long as you attach a talisman, deeper in the market there is a shop that sells them with the condition of selling any Heavenly Beast captured alive. I just happen to have one from a long time ago, since I wanted to sell what I could find when I got here. Unfortunately, my group only found a bunch of small fry or beast too powerful for us to handle at the time."

The slave market is not only limited to selling humans, though they are powerful and large in numbers, the majority of clan chose not to have a powerful Heavenly Beast under their control unless they enough experts to handle it. Between a Cultivator and a Heavenly Beast, the former was stronger by a wide margin.

Since humans only learned how to use Zen Energy and need to cultivate it, there are still inferior to Heavenly Beast who have been born with Zen energy, so their a natural affinity to Zen energy is higher.

Though slow, between the humans that need years for them to cultivate and need to waste endless treasures; Beast only need to eat, sleep and kill higher leveled beast in large quantities to get stronger. But unlike Humans that try to get strong in order to gain fame and wealth for personal gain, Heavenly beast only want to get stronger for far more simpler reasons or desires, like protecting their family or claiming a territory to live in peace.

So the Heavenly Beast they are trying to sell here are all within the lesser Tiers like the wolves that Stigma had met. But the prices of these beast are only available to those who have enough to live in luxury; in other words, only those at the level of the Top four merchants can buy them in bulk.

But newborn Heavenly Beast are high in demand, newborns are hard to find since they are always protected by older kin. Befriending one without forcing, threatening or injuring it is considered a sign of trust for the Heavenly Beast, so Stigma who used the pet owner approach is considered the correct outcome.

As Stigma would protect Kirin without a second thought, Kirin would do the same, since it considers Stigma family or a close companion.

"I have to admit it Stigma, you must be loved by heavens to find and befriend one so easily. The reason why newborns are sought after by all, was due to their nature of forming trust so easily. If you asked a full grown one, then you would need to make tribute to it by making a very disadvantageous deal depending on their level of strength."

"? Really, I just named mine for the sake of familiarity, I've been on my own so it's nice to have a companion. Is there a difference if you don't name it."

"Well, naming is like a contract to Heavenly Beast but we call them familiars, they are strong creatures to begin with and the older they become the more they develop in intelligence. Having a contract to them is like a sign of equal footing, they trust you enough that they would risk their live for the bond they shared with you. If you die then the contract is severed and the Heavenly Beast is free to choose a different master."

Like making an example Felix picked up a shattered cup on the ground and continued with his explanation.

"Also you can't name a beast and make a contract without its consent. If you force it, then..."

Under the continuous pressure of his grip, the cup he held started cracking and eventually shattering into a thousand pieces.

"You get a backlash, is that correct."

"Exactly, making a contract with a powerful Heavenly Beast is possible for lower Tier Cultivators. But those carry large risk, like angering it when you don't meet the minimum requirements it want's or you might have tiy Zen Energy drained until its satisfied."

"Like training a with Heavenly Beast Core for Cultivation."

"!!! Stigma! How did you...did they tell you how to use it."

"One of my employers told me, don't worry, I know you must have reasons as to why you didn't tell me. If you want, I can sell you the Second Tier Core."

While shrugging his shoulder, Stigma told him what the older sister told him. The sudden news had Felix silent is information like that is circulated in the underworld then clans are involved. Eventually heaving a sigh of relief, he can't change what happened but at the same time relieved that Stigma didn't held a grudge against him, he wanted to asked what Stigma should do but withheld it for a opportunity to bring Stigma to their side first.

"Stigma here's my offer, I can tell you everything you want to know and get paid at the same time for working for my clan. If you follow me and repeat your process of healing to my clan, then everything will be explained but the clan leader must have a say one this matter before we can proceed."

"...Alright, but let's talk to my employer first...." Before Felix could say anything, they both overheard someone talk about a disturbance in the forest.

"I'm serious! The forest is dangerous to venture right now!"


With the noise coming from outside, Felix heightened his sense while Stigma, whose skill leveled up to the point he can at least see a silhouette of a person, to find out what was going on outside. Both can see one obese man wearing an extravagant blue robe talking to another man holding on to a set of scrolls as he rubbed his chin.

"Listen brother pig, that is just gossip you keep hearing, you and I along with other merchants have yet to venture outside the valley since the first day. All your doing is giving in to the 'group mentality', some risk their lives to earn a living while others choose to exploit others accomplishment or failure for their own amusement. So cease this, you already look like clown wearing those clothes, do you want others to believe your crazy too?"

"I'm serious Senior! I saw it with my own eyes when a hunter told me about a rare find I followed him into the forest at night, near the border was a beast clad in lighting in the forest! Out of a desperate attempt the hunter tried to shoot it but it was too fast! After a few moments it disappears into thin air, but that's not what had me panicked; inside the cave it was living in, we saw a bunch of bodies. We examined each one and found identity tags issued by the top, they were the hunters and merchants that have gone missing for the last few days, the worst part was that we have yet to find out where the other are."

"...If that's true then we have to report this to the top and send in all the Cultivators to handle it. But to not spread panic among the masses you are to keep your mouth shut, until all of this is confirmed is that to be understood. We don't want to losses anymore profit like the time of the storm, so don't you dare be reckless because of you delusions, and that hunter will questioned. Until then, you are to keep your mouth shut, understood."

"O-of course Senior."

Eventually their conversation died out, but the sudden news shocked Stigma so he checked his stats and scrolled down to the familiar list. The next thing he saw had caused Stigma's back to shiver, without a second thought he ran out the tent with a mad dash.

"Stigma! What's wrong, where are you going!"

Felix was confused from his sudden departure and followed Stigma who was running at top speed to the entrance. It only took a moment, but Felix saw Stigma's expression that was in great panic, eventually he had missed the guard post telling him to slow down. Felix took the responsibility of paying the guards for both of them by throwing a sac of gold to the captain telling him that he will explain later and ran after Stigma.

'I hope I'm not wrong about this, and I hope I make it in time.'

The reason for the Stigma's sudden departure wasn't due to panic from the realization and description of the beast that match, but from seeing that one of the names listed among his familiar's had turned red, and the name was Kirin's.