Identity (7) - The Lady of the Four Lotus

*Slash!* *Thud!*

After sheathing his sword, the uncle gave a deadpan expression behind his mask. The wide smile on his Golden mask along with the moonlight shinned upon him before his nephew's body made the entire scene look - disturbing, like a hidden conspiracy was being unfolded.

If others saw this, they would believe the Golden mask one was a monster for killing in cold blood, yet the uncle spoke as if he believed that his actions were not even immoral but a responsibility.

"....Apologize my boy, we are pressed on time so we cannot make any mistake on our end, nor any delays. I hope you hard feelings..."

After saying his peace, the uncle pulled out a scroll from his space ring and threw it to the ground and left to meet with his leader with the wooden coffin.

As he walked away, the nephew could only watch as his uncle leave and curse from his own mistake.

'...Damn it....'


Although pointless, the captain guard who was identified as Roger, ordered his men to search through the nearby areas before separating from the group to send a messenger with news about what had happened, then wait for further instruction from his employer.

To emphasize the important, the messenger was told about a member of the infamous Boards clan had appeared and was also given Roger's emblem.

After realizing the significance of the news the messenger had left with great haste, with the emblem in possession, any news given is of top priority.

Due to the bodies in the area, several guards have been stationed with one reason, preventing anyone from entering without authorization. The whole market is already in great turmoil, so seeing dead bodies would start a huge panic which must be covered up.

As such, another group was made to find any clues that the uncle and nephew pair may have left behind. Unfortunately, Stigma already taken the most important evidence, so there was no need for him to stay and argue with them.

Other than the decapitated body of the identified assailant and the two unknown cultivators, nothing else was found, they also remembered to ask for Stigma's shield which he gave up immediately for the sake of investigation.

Just in case, Stigma warned the guards before hand that the tent was his residence, so he had to return later on.

With such news pilling on, The Captain Guard Roger tried to persuade Stigma in finding a new residence for the time being. The market is already in turbulence with the hidden dangers, such that they had to appease the masses to the best of their abilities.

If lucky, Stigma may be provided with a new residence from the Top or let the incident slide as a form of apology. Although Stigma's incident would be just another problem to be overlooked, he was still told to find a new residence in case they may not have the time to handle every problem right now.

So Stigma followed the reason and retrieved all the belongings, which wasn't much to begin with.

Since he had a space ring Stigma immediately stored everything he owned: his daggers and the sacs full of his extra pair of clothes. Stigma's intuition told him that they won't look through the tent, so he grabbed some of the items that originally belonged from the tent as a form of compensation.

'What they don't know, won't hurt them....'

When Stigma exited the tent the guards were inquired on where the items were, Stigma lazily showed his space ring so they didn't say anything else and told them to wait for their employers reply.

With the market still in disturbance, the remaining guards proposed to form another group to appease the masses. They also suggested that if they were ask about what happened, their response would be an accident had occurred from heavy products falling under some powdered products.

The leader agreed to their suggestion an meet back under an hour. With time on their hand, Stigma made a small talk with the leading guard. Since Felix was an important figure, he was being questioned and started recording the conversation for their report, which may take a while.

"At least the guards under you are capable enough to think and perform their task, rather than to have them stand around like an idiots, openly suggesting and performing an orderly response is more productive than waiting for orders."

"I am thankful for your compliment."

"Well, your capable enough to have your men suggest something and agree to it. Unlike the guard who led mercenaries by the entrance, these people have a good head over their shoulders and trust your good judgement."

"....Young Master Stigma, if you met the guard from the gate, the one responsible for those men was my junior so please forgive him. He is already performing his task that had been delayed, so you can find your money by tomorrow afternoon, if not, by next few days we will inform you by sending a written message."

"....Fine. Whether I get any money is not the issue, but rather I want to see him take responsibility for his mistakes."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience." The leader was about to bow, but Stigma told him it was fine, as a bow was not needed.

As the head guard, he along with his employer were already informed about the event that took place via reports. So by hearing Stigma's remark about the guards by the gate, he immediately understood that it must have been Stigma being reported as the white haired boy.

"I have to say though, Young Master Stigma's way of thinking is similar to how our employer thinks. Calm and collected, along with open to judge a character by their actions not by their past."

"....Who is your employer by the way? Sounds like an old man who had lived longer than you."

"...Well, my employer goes to the epithet as the Lady of the of the Four Lotus, in other words my employer is a woman...."


While Stigma was conversing with the leading Guard Roger, in the deeper parts of the market, three men sat behind a round table with wine and fruits and meat in the middle. Each wore tired expressions and from time to time they slam the table with their balled fist in anger, causing some of the food and beverages to spill.

"What the hell is going on! Why is there so many people causing a ruckus again when night is starting to fall, its just the earth shaking, why is there a need to cause such panic!"

"I agree, an event had just ended and we gained quite the profit, why can't the residence be please about it and wait for tomorrow! So just ignore them! I want to sleep already!"

Surrounding the large caravan were a total of fifteen guards surrounding them along with six people holding scrolls standing by the door steps, tired expressions can be seen as they heard their employers complain and made no attempt to make a decision like always.

One of them was, Val Sernisk ,the other than being eldest in his fifties, he wore multiple finger rings with all types of precious stones with blue robes. He is the eldest child that had been in the business in slave trading for more than twenty years.

Another was Idin Rudz, an overweight man who kept on eating as they complained, his attire was but a green robe that did nothing to cover his pot belly. An only child that had been pampered since his birth mother died, he is the one with control over the pricing from confection and delicacies.

The last one was a familiar man wearing purple robes, Pesof Chesk, an eldest child that handles foreign connections. He sat by the sidelines and quietly held a fan as watched his two colleges complain to each other, making no attempt in stopping it.

From time to time, the Pesof would be the voice of reason, but his colleagues ignore his reasoning as they continues to ignore the issue due to ignorance, it was clear these men had never encountered numerous losses outside their family grounds with support of their families aids.

In order, these men hail from large merchant organization, which is under the administration of their families: The Golden Oak Tree, Silk Emerald and The Silver Gourd Alliance.

Each of these men are successors of their respective families and have taken responsibility to uphold the family business. Yet with each succeeding events taking place, such as the storm, missing people, events, false merchandise and rising complaints.

With each occurring problem, these men were starting to cave in from the pressure and pushed all responsibilities to their respective subordinates, ignoring it as a passing problem and started thinking about their selfish concerns.

Their main discussion was not related to the unsatisfied buyers, but the lost of profits from each mishap, along with throwing mud to the names of their family business. If nothing was done, they might lose large investments, as well have each families revoke their inheritance once news breaks out.

What these men care are not connections built on trust, but profit from each encounter and gaining more by all means.

"Bah! I say we ignore them! They came here in their own volition!" - Val

"I agree, I suggest we use intimidation to prove we are in control, if it gets out of hand we have an army and use the dissatisfied ones as a means of example then have them all arrested. That should calm the masses." - Idin

"We can't you two, with the storm and the unsolved disappearances, we are already stretchered on thin ice with the buyers trust. I think it is best to formulate a plan where we restore their faith in us again along with maximizing our profits again, forcing them would be counter productive and would dig our own graves." - Pesof

"Another propaganda would make us loss profit from materials alone, you know that better than us. After all, you were the one who took charge in advertising the entire event this morning, while both of us handled the prizes which made us lose about most of what we could have earn and that is not including the fake prize incident. The lowered prices were already an exceptions and the following days are suppose to bring us back profit, remember." - Idin

"I'm saying that we should handle this matter carefully and maximize the profit at the same time. We are facing numerous patrons complaining about their product being broken, I say we should replace their items if their willing to pay." - Pesof

"Ha! We might as well do that to every item and it will not end, I can't stand the crowd raving about their reasons like it's nothing. I can't use this anymore, the painting I bought is ruined, how the hell are we suppose to handle them once they start riots then?"

"Bah, I say we should let that brat handle this, she is suppose to be in charge for public disorders isn't she. She is the junior so we gave her the lowest position with no profit, this whole incident is considered public disorder, so let her handle it." - Idin

"Correction, she is obligated to take responsibility. We, her seniors, have already given her face to even come here and have her learn from the bottom, we are even using her products as we let her watch and see how we use her merchandise and use the profit gained as tuition. In the first place....." - Pesof

The argument continued on as they vented out their frustrations, yet no attempt of planning has surface.

Not far from where the caravan was positioned, a private tent was stationed nearby with a flag with Four Lotus as the symbol, surrounded by six guards who had the aura of a veteran. From inside the tent, all those who were present could hear a heartfelt laughter.

Inside was a young woman holding her stomach as she laughed behind a desk with piles of scrolls, unlike the area where a large workload was present, a smiling face could be seen despite the task before her.

"Ha ha ha! Serves them right! You old bastards were so arrogant in believing you were the best. Ha! That's pure bull! They want all the profit, then they should take responsibility for all loses. But wait, I should be thanking my 'Seniors' for giving me such an important position in where I don't lose anything but gain profit in secret! Ha ha ha!"

From how the scenario should go, the ones who are suppose to enjoy their time in luxury would be the three men as the privilege of the Seniors, while the one to suffer loses would be their said junior - the Lady of the Four Lotuses.

But the roles have been reversed in which the one laughing in glee was the last.

"My lady, you must avoid using such vulgar laughter and actions, although I share your view on those three, I must also point out that you are representing the Four Lotus Garden. So you must not forget your teachings and ethics."

The who responded was her attendant sitting beside the adjacent table, the reason behind the girl's constant laughter was from the reports she received from each sale.

After carefully calculating the profits and losses, clearly the three had started leaning in the later, making her glee from each lose their gained.

Coincidentally, the one who gave her the report was from the staff of her three seniors. All of the guards and employees were aware of the Tops relations, so they were trying to prove their competence to the last of the Top - The Lady of the Four Lotuses.

"Oh lighten up, I have been holding back my anger on those three and could not touch them much less get my revenge. But now those three are starting to reap what they sowed for not even paying attention. Ha ha ha!"

"My lady!"

"I know, I know, time to get back to work..." As they were about to return to work, a messenger ran in and gave his salute then made a report, before the attendant could say anything the first words made them listen and peeked the mistress interest.

The appearance of the Boar's member \caught the attendance's attention, but the news of a certain individuals caught the Lady's.

"Hoo, to think I could meet him like this. Ever since the white haired boy appeared, he had been my good luck charm in causing those three to suffer great loses. Hmmm, how should I greet him..."

"My lady....are you talking about the white haired boy, the Boar's clan should be respected first. Even if he was close enough to be called little brother by the Boar's clan men, we should..."

"I'm getting motivated to meet him, hurry up so I can prepare. Ah! I know I should do a good job to give a good impression, since they say it last long. You there! Wait for my message until I finish, so have some tea and snacks, OK!"

Before the messenger could respond, the Lady was engrossed to her work that she ignored the pleas of her attendant. After three hours, all the reports were finished and the message was given, but the face of the messenger left was dumbfounded but delivered the message as ordered.

It wasn't long, as the Lady got of her chair with her plan of greeting, then left to take a bath and pick out her attire.


During those three hours, Stigma took a short nap with Dusk standing guard, Felix was done with the interview and sat beside him to meditated and waited as well. Hilda was by Stigma's side leaning against his shoulder and Kirin was still hidden inside his robes.

Unknown to everyone in the vicinity, Stigma had secretly absorbed the souls using his skill without hesitation, knowing full well that they would not affect the living unless held within his grasp.

Like before, Stigma gained a large amount of Zen energy from just the three of them from reading the notifications. Based on the Demon's knowledge, Stigma needed a whole day to absorb the memories from the Cultivators souls and can browse them.

Unlike the memories of the earlier deceased, Stigma can browse the memories of a Cultivators as they have stronger souls, tampering memories of the weaker one's would have the reverse effect and damage the memories.

So Stigma needed an emotional shocks for him to remember the non-cultivator's, like something related from their past or seeing a familiar face.

With nothing else to do, Stigma pulled out the bottle with the water and oil out of boredom and resumed training, as he had long recovered his reserves after an hour of sleep.

When Felix found him training, he found Stigma to be quite diligent despite his age. The training method Stigma was using was an elementary level and those who finally learned how to form the oil quit early as it only indicated that they have Zen aura level.

But low Tier Cultivators were not aware that when they reach the higher Tier, they have to repeat the training as a way for them to improve their control after gaining larger reserves.

After hearing the training method, Stigma could not bring himself to respond that he did it out of boredom and told Felix that he had to prepare for another fight, which he laughed from his delayed answer.

It wasn't long when the messenger returned with news to Roger, Stigma and Felix were then informed of what had happen along with a summons to his employer.

After hearing their confirmation, Roger took the role as the guide then escorted Stigma and Felix with his group to his mistress residence.

When Felix announced his status, the guards interaction to them was similar to how low ranking soldiers act towards their superiors officers. When Stigma asked them a question, they saluted him then answered his question, which he found...annoying.

From what Stigma remembered, the market has been set up to have separated areas for different purposes, with the deepest part having largest tents and where the most wealthiest merchants make decision for the market in whole - hence they ones who reside there are called the Top.

Roger explained that whatever the Top made is the direction the market will take and would be their responsibilities as the decision makers.

Stigma was clarified that those at the Top are by no means close in a personal level, as each agreed to have different responsibilities and perform together when the market is in peril.

Stigma was informed that Roger's employer is called 'The Lady of the Four Lotuses', as she hails from another merchant family like other three Tops and goes by the name of Lady Emily Aurum.

Because of her heritage, Emily had great potential to be a merchant and was trained to inherit the business through her maternal grandfather as her father along with her mother had an accident and passed away.

Being the youngest of the four as well as the most talented one, the three felt threatened and alienated Emily in decision making and pushed the lowest position in the name of learning experience - namely Security details.

While the three took position in where the most profit are gained, Emily was in a position where it was close to impossible to gain profit, which greatly angered Roger for belittling his mistress ability.

But when the storm occurred, Emily had proven her worth by keeping the majority out of harms way without a casualty, gaining the majorities praises and favor. Even the staff of the Tops recognized her ability and secretly inquired if their able to join her company after the auction.

"Lady Emily was also the one responsible for directing the whole appraisal incident to subside, bringing the staff a slight breathing room from hearing the pigheaded people that numbered over twenty, especially that short woman."

Stigma could not refute as he knew the leader and listened to what had happened about the recent earthquake. Based from Roger's description, he took a role in the initial part but left to calm the mass panic.

The event that took place could only be described to be a miracle.

Over two hundred or so residence started complaining to the merchants about their destroyed property. Because of amount of complaints flooding in, the staff could not identify the false claims from the real ones unless proper investigation and interviews were made in time.

Even with over fifty professionals in the central administration taking part, the number of complaints kept on increasing by the minute after the earthquake ended.

In normal cases, customer are not allowed to step forward to the Top's administration during a commotion and only merchants can only enter, but the sheer number of people was too much even for the guards standing by.

Those guards were actually new recruits and were meant to experience how to handle actual problems or conflict. As such, these men are no different than amateurs, especially before an angry mob.

Injuring them would cause them danger by their employers and would have been heavily punished, yet if they allowed them continue with the complaints the losses could only be imaginable.

But the complaints could only be described from the staff as hair pulling problems, especially at the numbers they were appearing.

From time to time, there was some buyers who shamelessly claimed that they had discovered their products to be broken when they received them.

Luckily, the public disorder had been handled by Emily, without the knowledge of her Senior. So her efforts were being recognized again and gained majorities favor.

With quick decision and cooperation from the staff, the number of complaints have decreased sharply and the disordered mob had become scared cats when the announce of investigation was informed.

With a simple instruction to the guards, the majority started to back out and the one who claimed to have broken product have been discovered false from the liars themselves.

With the testimony given, a heavy fine was issued for false claims once the was evidence on their side, so all who wanted to scam the merchants have been labeled as criminals and were forced into prison unless bail was paid.

Once Stigma heard all of Emily's exploits, he could only accept the fact, that the Lady of the Four Lotuses is indeed competent.

"She sure knows how to control the crowd, intimidating them without actually harming them. If it were me, I would have beaten the most cocky bastard and make an example out of him, then get his statement."

"...And if that those not work?"

"I would have repeated the process. I don't know how to handle stubborn people and the only way for them to listen is to force your logic on to them. Believe me, I gained it through experiencing from trying to understand something through the wrong logic and fail repeatedly unless someone else showed it to me."

"..." From how Roger looked at him, Stigma could only look away from the awkwardness.

Stigma could not explain everything, so he had to answer as vaguely as possible. He was taking the role of a 'war child' who forgotten his past, so he had to act mature for his age despite being in a difficult position.

Veil, Han and the leader followed behind but stayed hidden for the sake of their mission and avoid being discovered. Dusk followed behind in silent and Kirin was sleeping soundly so Stigma had nothing to worry for know.


After a while, Stigma and Felix finally arrived to a very large tent with a flag with Four Lotuses. Based on the flag flowing against the wind, the tent was signified as a private tent, so Stigma could not enter without permission.

Roger went in first, then motioned both of them to enter as Felix had to higher position, he went in first then Stigma followed behind as his junior.

After entering the room, Stigma surveyed and classified the room as efficient with no excess furniture or gaudy designs. Perfect for a workplace if Stigma entered it, but to others, it was simply - bland.

What greeted them was a woman and a young girl who sat on a sofa with another facing them and a table between with tea served. The woman would be described to be in the prime of her youth, supposedly in her twenties with short blue hair and wore little makeup and no jewelry.

The young girl beside her would be described as a relative, as she also had long blue hair fashioned into twin tails and wore a frilly dress and a toothy smile. As Stigma entered the room and took his seat, the girl had not once took her eyes of of him.


"Don't mind her, she is not used to seeing people her age so she is quite curious about meeting a young boy."

"Pleasure to meet you." Stigma bowed his head, but the girl responded again with a grin on her face, then reached out her hand for Stigma to respond by shaking it.

"Now then, shall we begin? My name is Felix, I hail from the Boar clan and the boy here is someone who I consider close enough to be called my younger brother, Stigma."

"A pleasure to meet you both, my name is Emily Aurum, the young lady here is my relative that goes by the name Lara Aurum. Now before we begin, I would to like to inform you in why I inquired you to come here."

While the woman named 'Emily' began her explanation, Stigma used his skill 'Essence Reader' and was surprised in what he saw, but he kept quiet and listened.

Her explanation was similar to what Roger explained, but she then added an introduction to the other three Top merchants: Val Sernisk, Idin Rudz, Pesof Chesk and told them about their origins along with their roles in the market.

Each of these men hold the status of the Top merchants, and held responsibility in sales, entertainment and advertisement. In the market, their role is simply for administrating and decision making in the entire market.

But in reality, what really happens is that these men let their subordinates handle their task, as the indulge in their riches and greedily count their profits in the shadows.

Each of these men had only inherited the business from their relatives and had no talent in being a merchant. Once the business was in their hands, they had repeatedly used their status or their employed armies to intimidate less wealthy merchants, then extort high rental fees for a space in the market.

From time to time, they also promote consultation with a special fee, but what they really do is destroy any competition the consulter had and who ever payed more will be the favored in any court or argument.

Although their methods were underhanded, because of their families, majority were old customers and recommended them all here.

"Now why did you bring us here then?" Felix understood that Emily was in the lowest position and wanted support, so what she could do was ask aid from a clan with status such as a Boar clan, titled the strongest in the area.

"If your willing, I would aid you keeping your company a secret from other clans knowledge along with sheltering you, I can at least do that much for your support."


Felix became silent and thought about his next move, the offer was tempting and the Emily woman was willing to shelter them from the eyes of the clan. If he carefully made his terms, Felix might be able to find out why the Naga clan entered the slave market.

Felix was about to respond but someone in the room spoke up, causing him and 'Emily' to be caught of guard

"If I may interject, may I ask you something?"

"....Of course, what is Stigma? Is it relevant?"

"Well, why is the attendant speaking in behalf of the mistress? Isn't she the one sitting beside you or is she lazy? I mean your name isn't Emily Aurum, it's Lara Aurum."
