Chapter 145 - So, You No Longer Fear Me? Then, Don't Blame Me Alright?"

With a cold sweat all over their foreheads, hearts beating fast from fear, the Great Elders tentatively stare with wide unbelievable eyes at the figure of the person standing right in front of them, before the image of the past during the bloody war in thousand years ago has suddenly flash to all of their minds.

When that important day happen, all of them has been so young, but the image of this person that has been covered with the blood of both races has suddenly appeared before everyone eyes, that crimson bloody eyes of his have been completely cold and chilly to the freezing point that everyone that has been watching couldn't find a single ounce of emotions and sentiments within it causing their body and soul to shook in terror because although not all of them was able to witness what happened everyone was later known that this special blood race has killed two of his own group members.