Chapter 195 - Second Mission World Finish! Farewell, Everyone.

Inwardly sighing while feeling quite thankful for the small black bell that his lover has given him in the first mission world, at least, Snow still has some item to quickly tell who his lover in the world that he will be traveling on.

Suddenly, Snow has finally felt the famous danger of having lost a Blood Partner since he felt his mind began to start it descending madness, however, a small soft smile still remain on his pale face while the already crimson bloody eyes of his are beginning to show his start of insanity.

"Zou Yi…."

Ignoring the sudden stillness around him, Snow has gently taken the cold body of Qing Ye into his arms, before standing up and using one of his hand to gently care the cold cheek of his lover.

"Love… I'll take you back to our home…"