Chapter 218 - Snow Rough Way Of Handling His Chosen Lover And Leo Stunned Expresion.

Snow felt like shit right now when he felt the painful throbbing on his head, his vision remaining a bit dark from the haze while the client and his emotions were chaotically swirling inside him, which is basically announcing about how unlucky his day has turned out to be.

Although it helped to lessen a bit about how he felt today when the warm arms of Leo wrapped around his body, along with the long fingers gently running into his hairs with the added mental power comforting his own damaged one.

So, it wasn't that surprising when Snow that has finally gotten what he wanted all along in which unfortunately with the added bad circumstances that cause his head to throb when he has roughly grasped the front of Leo shirt and pushing the man into the wall without consideration about the broken bones that Flake has given to the man.