Chapter 229 - Snow Lip Twitch At Flake Excited Explanation. "This World Is So Different From My Previous One."

"Snow! Your friends in great danger right now!"

Suddenly, Flake's alarm voice rang in Snow mind stopping his interesting discussion to his older sister and has quickly stood up in order to leave their hideout and quickly helping his friend to whatever problem they suddenly found themselves with.

"'How To Push Your Man And Make Him Fall For You Utterly Helpless, 'Can't Get Enough Of You' and 'One More Time Turning Infinite' is quite good and informative. I'll give you a list of my own later on since I needed to go handle important matters now."

"Really? I'll check it out. So… can I have all Byrone to myself now?"

Feeling satisfied, Snow just nodded his head and completely eliminating the misunderstanding that his older sister seemed to be thinking between Byrone and himself the entire time.