Chapter 371 - Snow Inner Thought And Plan To His Lover.

"... Uncle… don't go in there."

Standing a few distances in front of a door of another building, Snow has quietly turned his eyes toward the baby dragon on his arms before glancing at the two people he rescued being dragged along on his continued adventure in the Imperial City.

As for the other unconscious man, the person was casually left inside the car with a piece of paper with a short explanation about what happened being left behind for the man to see in case he woke up.

And as to where Snow was, he has decided to enter a night bar club, of course, it was one of the safer and protected places than the chaotic locations with dirty deals always happening in the dark, especially when drugging people they fancy with.

After all, Snow has already seen those places exist since there is always darkness in the society no matter how bright it might seem.