World 6: Extra Part 4

"Isn't your Master… the Demon Lord?"

"Yes! Master Flake is the Demon Lord of the entire demon race! Isn't it amazing how someone so adorable could be so domineering?"

Dian smiled happily before letting out a sigh once in a while. And Old Ju's expressions become strange while a certain thought quickly flashes in her mind.

"... So Little Kyler's Older brother is…"

"Yup! The Demon Lord! You have done an amazing job this time Little Ju! Don't you know how My Master simply adored our Young Master Kyler? He had been worrying all these months while watching our Young Master Kyler struggle by himself!"

Dian shook her head before taking a sip of the offered tea from Little Ju.

"It's too bad, no one can go against my Master's Father's decision, even if Master Flake is the Demon Lord. Lord Aurel is simply a terrifying person, you know? He can obliterate our people if he so wishes."