An Exasperated Jiang Xiaoyue

After he closed the shop, Fang Qi calculated his earnings and realized that although the system took most of the crystals, he still got to pocket a lot.

As the number of customers increased, all 50 computers were taken during rush hours. Therefore, he made at lease six or seven hundred crystals a day.

Although he only got to keep 10% of the earnings, it still came to a couple dozen crystals. He now had more than 300!

That wasn't a small amount; 300 crystals was enough to buy a flying spiritual artifact!

I can basically afford a car now! Fang Qi thought happily.

Jiang Xiaoyue, on the other hand, sobbed as she cleaned up the shop. "… When can I earn money… I want to drink Sprite… I want to play Diablo…"

- The next day -

What were Jiang Xiaoyue's favorite activities of the day? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

As a loli, she had no other hobbies and didn't even get to drink a bottle of Sprite.