New Task

Unlike Resident Evil and Diablo that were filled with modern vocabulary and shouting, those who played the Legend of the Sword and Fairy only did three things every day: practice the sword-control technique, buy tissues, and get others addicted.

Therefore, more and more people frequented Fang Qi's internet café, forming a line even though there were more than 50 computers inside!

Emotional people like Shen Qingqing and Xu Zixin always prepared a giant pack of tissues next to them for a rainy day.

At this time, Fang Qi finally received a new task from his system that was related to the next game.

[Introduce the Legend of the Sword and Fairy to 300 people and make them feel touched by the story.

Task Progress :40/300

Task Reward: Counter Strike: Virtual Reality Remake

Task Description: N/A]

Fang Qi was initially excited to see a new task, but he wailed out in sadness as soon as he saw the requirement.

He was dumbstruck.