Surprising Everyone

"These bottles of liquor aren't for you to drink; they are for you to cast the spell. I created the Liquor Immortal Spell, but it's just as powerful as the other spells and techniques you've learned in the past," the Liquor Sword Immortal said to Li Xiaoyao calmly in the screen. He was a big-hearted man who was generous enough to teach Li Xiaoyao his most powerful technique before even formally accepting him as a disciple. The Liquor Sword Immortal didn't say anything else, but those watching could tell that he cared about Li Xiaoyao.

They all stared intently at the screen and watched as the Liquor Sword Immortal taught Li Xiaoyao the technique. Unlike the sword control technique, this seemed like a normal spell. The Liquor Sword Immortal didn't use its full power.

However, through the Liquor Sword Immortal's words, the viewers could feel the immense power of this spell!