Hunted Down by my Own Game Character...

Soon, Fang Qi felt something cold on his chest. After looking down, he saw a mouse-shaped metal pendant hanging around his neck on a thin silver thread.

The metal pendant's front side looked like a mini mouse, and the back side was covered with complicated patterns.

Here was the description from the system.

[Key to the Game Cultivation Room

Function: Connect to the Game Cultivation Room

Instruction: Please use it when no one is around]

"So many restrictions..." Mumbling, Fang Qi returned to upstairs and closed the door.

He sat cross-legged on his bed and turned on the System Interface.

Then, he clicked [Yes] on the option of [Use the key to the Game Cultivation Room].

Instantly, Fang Qi felt like the lights around him dimmed.

The scene before him blurred as if many strands of data flowed around him!